Chapter 18

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That odd feeling did not leave it practically crawled up my spine screaming at me. Been like this for a few weeks and winter began to thaw. Blooming flowers from buds where bright against some of the snow that accompanied the branches of trees.

I admired it as I walked to Madam Mentor office since she might have the answer I am looking for.

The only peace I got was nature of green and pink popping colours that accompanied my walk. The cold did not bite as the warm sun shone a warmth. But that didn't take away the odd feeling as the school campus was a bit quieter than usual. Besides it wasn't the odd feelings of questions I wanted answer to, a feeling that made me feel that I belonged to something much more.

Some of the snow actually turned to slush as my feet clambered over it. I was not really caring till arriving at the building of Madam Office. I wiped away the wetness of my shoes and began to enter allowing the warmth of normal temperature to fill me.

Ascending the stairs, I paused for a moment. Should I really be doing this? Or should I walk away now?

I shook myself and pushed through up the stairs can't believe I even though that.

I arrived at the top greeted by the circle of windows and saw that it was cloudy out, as if my sunshine barely existed. It streams barely through the clouds. I didn't realize I was watching or staring at them for a while when finding myself now perched on the window sill looking out while cold brick bit through my clothing.

I stood away and knocked on the door waited a moment and it opened. I entered and saw Madam sitting at her desk watching me come in. Smiling she gestured for me to sit. I did and felt a comfort knowing what I would say wasn't stupid.

"You came for answers" she read my mind not while ago.

I nodded, "For the past weeks, I been feeling off like something is warning me that a danger is about to come." Something like my vision I had.

"A feeling? Anything else" she asked probably knowing there was more.

I took a breath, "Earlier in the fall. I had a vision that stuck to me... vision of something happening, I can't describe but it involved fighting and screaming and now this feeling is adding on to it."

She listened and didn't act like I was crazy she understood.

"Continue" she gestured after she realized I stopped talking.

"This feeling filled with darkness and somehow I feel I will be painfully cut from something or someone."

Madam face went to understanding to dead stone.

"Describe the feeling in detail a little more" she urged.

I stared at her but she was not joking, there was demand in the voice.

"Like someone took a knife and is painfully slicing my main peace away and a dark feeling of evil is feeling like it wants to overwhelm me" I shrugged, "That is the best way I can describe my emotions and foreign feeling."

Madam stood and turned her back to me gazing out the window, "Also" I whispered, "I feel I have a family but they are not human as this odd connection of familiarity is surrounding me."

Madam turned slowly and studied me as I said something that worried her. But she sighed a defeat.

"You have a family...but not human."

I jerked at this, "Who do you know them?"

She came forward and crouched by my chair and I followed with my eyes looking down at her. She took a painful breath as the words were fire to her mouth.

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