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They had led us all back to the room with bunk beds, and closed the door behind us, leaving us like nothing had happened. I just wanted to go home. I felt like I was going to throw up, so I just staggered back to my bed. But before I could I accidentally walked into someone. We both slipped out a groan. "Oh I'm so sorry." I said while my hand was shaking. There wasn't really any response so I looked up and saw that 067 was staring right at me. I couldn't figure out her facial expressions. Mainly because she didn't have any. Just blankly stared, analyzing my face.
I already felt like shit, and she haven't really been sweet to me, especially about the stairs. So I just walked away again. I climbed into my bunk bed that for some reason had to be on top.

I wanted to cry and throw up, but only dry sobs exited my throat. I looked around, and saw people shaking. I even saw one pray. I put my head on my knees, and hoped that it all was a bad dream. That it would all disappear, and I would be able to play card games with my mom again. But it wasn't a dream. I knew it. Everyone knew it.

The doors opened, and the guards all had their dramatic entrance. There was already quiet, but somehow the silence was more painful now. More nerve wrecking.

A lady with big curly hair stepped up, and started crying. "Please let us go! I have a baby! A little baby, I didn't even have time to name it yet" she was on her knees and begged. "We will pay off our debt we promise!" the room filled up with sobs, and people hesitantly started begging along. "We're so sorry!" they cried. i just stared at the red people waiting for a reaction.

"I think you are misunderstanding this." They said. "We are not here to make you pay your debts. This is us giving you an opportunity to make money by playing some simple games." Anger boiled up in me. Simply making us play games. I think they forgot the part where they murdered a couple hundred innocent people.

"But remember the rules. Any player who refuse to play will be eliminated."
So that would mean. If i didn't play i would be killed. If i did play, and i failed, i would also be killed. And every single person in here had signed the contract. So basically we were all fucked. "A game may be terminated if majority agrees." a man says. I could recognize his voice as the guy that was behind me in green light red light. He had square formed glasses, and seemed almost unfazed from the episode. the guards looked surprised that someone remembered, but then continued. "Very well, we will have a vote. We start with the highest number, and go down from there." i was relieved. No one in their right mind would keep playing this murderous game. "But first we will show the prize money."

I had completely forgot about the money. A piggy bank made of glass slowly lowered form the roof, with a tube on top. It was colossal. The tv counted down from 456, very fast, showing how many survivors were left. But none of that really caught my attention. The thing i was focused on was all the money that started falling down into the piggy bank. Bundles after bundles landed, filling out the blank space more and more. It gave off a sound like in a arcade. And it kept going. Like it was never going to stop. People looked up in awe, as the money fell.

It was almost half full when it stopped. That was already more then enough to pay off my debts, and it was only first game. They started taping one big line in the middle of the room.

"stand inside the lines to your left. When you have voted please enter the other side of the tape." People slowly moved to the left. We all waited nervously. I didn't even know what I was gonna choose. I mean here I at least had a chance at surviving.

"Player 456. Please step up and take your vote."

456 looked around for a few seconds before slowly walking up to the little table with a red and green button. An annoying sound escaped, as he pressed the red button. He didn't want to continue.
The next one up was a lady. She looked back up at the money, before pressing the green button. I could see the shock in 456's eyes, as well as others.
More people voted. And as the screen showed it was very even.
"Player 376." Got called out. After all this shit that had happened, I still needed the money. I took one long breath before walking up to the buttons. My hands were shaking, but I quickly pressed the green button before I could regret it. I looked back to, surprisingly, seeing 67 almost smiling. My cheek burned against my will, and I looked down fast, before joining the other people who voted.
After some time they yelled. "Player 67. Step up to vote." She confidently walked up, and pressed the green button. She wanted to continue as well.  She walked straight towards me, and stayed right beside me.

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