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I kept looking at the paper he gave me. Turning it over again and again. It was a simple logo. Just shapes. I started biting my fingers again. Should I call them? Or should I just ignore the card.
I haven't showed the money to my mom yet.I mean I haven't even seen my mom since the weird game with the short dude. i waited until she was asleep, so I could avoid her. I am scared she will think I stole them. Or gambled them. How do I even tell her where I got the money. Found them on my way home? No. That would be impossible. No one just drops 100.000 won on the streets. They were also way too clean for that. I'm just gonna wait for the right moment.

I focused back to the card. It was beige, and small. I mean if it was simple games like that what was the worst thing that could happen. I breathed sharply in, before I took my phone up from my bed, and dialled the number.

The phone rang for about 2 seconds before someone picked up. "Hello, who is calling?" A man voice said. "Umm. Y/n? You gave me a card?" I could feel a lump in my throat. I just ignored it. "If you wish to join the games please insert you full name and birth certificate." He said, with a hollow voice. It was almost like it changed. Okay that's not so bad right? "... y/n y/l/n, 2003 7/14"
He didn't say anything, but I could hear some tapping, probably on a computer.
"Meet us outside sky park, Sunday 12 pm. The passcode is green light red light." Was the last thing he said before hanging up. Why are all these people so rude? Like hello at least say a see you soon, or goodbye.

Huh. Sky park is only like 2 miles away from my house. Weird. I could feel chills go through my body, but pushed it aside. Stop being so damn paranoid. Ahh right the dude was also very close, maybe that's why. I mean of course that's why

I changed my clothes into pyjamas, and got to bed. Tried to stop thinking about it, but my mind just wouldn't let me. And now that I thought about it. Why the hell did that dude appear the same day, I got told I owed someone 350 million won? Goosebumps formed on my neck and legs. No. No no no. Not right now go to sleep. I hardly closed my eyes, and really, truly this time tried to fall asleep.

I opened my eyes, slowly. Apparently I did eventually fall asleep last night. But me being really groggy (at least more then usual) did tell me it took some time. I yawned before I got up, and changed to some proper clothes. The noises from the kitchen confirmed my mom was awake. I checked my phone. 9:37. I woke up later then usual. I almost walked out the room, but then remembered that I needed to check up on my cheek. I found my phone, and went on camera. The reflection from my phone showed that I was only a tiny bit red from yesterday. My mom probably won't even notice. I mean it took her what 10 minutes to see my nose bleeding yesterday.

"Good morning." I said to her. My voice was hoarse as it is every morning. "Finally you're up!" She said loudly. "That really took you a long time." I just gave her an innocent smile, making her loosen up a little. " I am going shopping, anything you want me to buy?" She said. Shopping at 9:30 am? This lady can everything.
I shook my head, and she was out the door. Okay I have about 2,5 hour left to go to the game. I probably needed some energy. Coffee.

The coffee was always on the highest shelf. I don't know why. I'm even taller than my mom, and I can almost not reach it.
But eventually I got it, and made the coffee.
My tongue burned a little when I tried to drink it, but it was fine.

1,5 hour left. I constantly checked the clock, like I was afraid the time went faster then it was supposed to. My mom had returned with more vegetables, and some meat. God I really hope to get a lot of money for that game. If he truly was speaking the truth. And if I could get a lot more money. Then would it really be that bad? Worst case scenario. They would just kidnap and kill me. I'm gonna die anyways if I don't find the money.

I turned around in my really uncomfortable chair. "Hey mom! Do you wanna play a card game?" I asked. I needed something to kill the time. She started smiling at me. We haven't played cards in a long time. I mean not that I didn't get the choice. She has asked multiple times, but either I was too busy or I didn't want to. I think it has been around 2 years now . Guilt started to build up as I could see how happy my mom was. I should have played more with her.
She ran to get some cards, and ran back again. Not gonna lie it was weird to watch. "Do you wanna shuffle, or should I?" My mom has always loved shuffling card. It was like her specialty. I shook my head and she started shuffling.

Our game went on for about half an hour, before she won. Her smile, even though it seemed impossible, grew even bigger. She took out her hand and I shook it. "Good game." She said. "Good game." I said back, as I chuckled. I checked the time. 1 hour. left. I have to tell my mom I'm going somewhere, or she's gonna freak out.

"Hey mom, uh. I'm going at a friends house today, so I will probably get home..." well I don't know when it stops. " I will probably get home tomorrow." I just said. She was in such a good mood she just said yes. A ghost of a smile appeared on my face.

I should get out in good time, just to be sure I don't get late. I grabbed my phone, my keys, and a knife with me. Just for sefety. It was only a butter knife anyway. I brushed off the grease, that couldn't be washed away for whatever reason. I grabbed the door handle, and got out.

I have now been standing at sky park for 15 minutes. Wondering when they will appear. I mean, I did get out the door half an hour too early. I started biting my fingers. They really weren't that pretty. They were red, and filled with scratches.

Another 10 minutes pass, and I knew that they would be here soon. My fingers had started bleeding, and I couldn't stand still. People walked by me, and continued their life.
I checked my phone every minute now.

A white limo stopped right in front of me. The doors opened, and I got confused. Okay this person is rich. Maybe I could get alot of money for playing these games. "Password?" A monotone voice said. "Green light red light?" He didn't react so I guess it was correct. I took a deep breath before stepping in. There were other people in here as well. But they were sleeping. Maybe they had been here for a while. I am not going to fall asleep. I am not that comfortable yet. The door closed, and the driver started driving. I looked to the side, but suddenly I could see white smoke surrounding me. What the- "Hey!l I tried to yell but it was like this smoke wouldn't let me. It just came out as almost a whisper. I tried to keep my eyes open, but it felt like someone forced them closed. My head slowly fell down, no matter how much strength I put against it. (I began to pass out. Then my head hit the wall POW)
I could feel myself slipping away. Shit.

Second chapter hope yall enjoyed!
Sorry it took some time, and it was kinda short but I'm not really allowed on my phone.
So I could only write in secret.

Anyway comment what you think!

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