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~~~~~~sacrifice, betrayal and friendship~~~~~~~

Kang Sae-byeok POV:

I watched as she walked away. Not a word escaping my mouth. She was so close to me. So close, and now. It felt like she was miles away. I was almost more embarrassed than hurt. Was it because I did something wrong? Was she hurt because of what I said. Or did I mix up some serious signals. Was this all in my head? The silence was killing me, and I couldn't do anything. All I could do was wait until the shift was over and go to sleep. Hoping it all was a dream. The good energy I had gotten from the talk with Gi-hun was gone.

After a painful amount of silence, I finally went over to 240, who was the next to guard. Her eyes sleepy, and fluttering.

"Your turn." I whispered, making her eyes focus on me. I could hear y/n turn her head, and going to the another person, waking them up. 240 slowly got up, from her bed. Luckily she didn't share it with anyone, so I stole it from her. Making the embarrassment, a little less worse.

And I didn't want to fall asleep, but my eyes were heavy, and I drifted away.

Y/n POV:
I woke up from the music playing. I rolled to the side, and my eyes landed on a man only 30 cm from my face. I quickly turned my head backwards, away from the man. Oh right. Yesterday. And it all came back. The words, the tension. The disappointment. It crashed down as a huge weight on my shoulder, and I slowly sat up. My head turned to Sae-byeok. She was sitting up, looking down. I knew she knew I looked at her. But she clearly avoided my stare. And I couldn't blame her.

My mind started wandering off. 101's group hadn't attacked tonight. Maybe our words actually got through his dumb thick skull.

My shirt was a little blood stained, but not as much as others. Those who was really close to the people that got shot. Like Sae-Byeok. Her shirt had a big stain on. She tugged her hair behind her ear, revealing a long scar along her neck. I can't believe I hadn't noticed it before. It wasn't deep red. More of a faint red, that had faded over time. Just how much time was a mystery, that I probably would never find out about. Not on the terms we are on. I realised I had been staring, and quickly looked back at my fingers.

Breakfast was served, and it was not enough, but I knew that it wouldn't help begging for more. We were still in our fort. Sae-Byeok was sitting in the other side, keeping distance. But at least here we were safe, from the others murderous stares. Especially 101's. Speaking of which, I realised there was one missing. The one with glasses, that always slipped down on his nose. I wonder where he went. Maybe the group had killed him off. But wouldn't we have heard? And wouldn't the money had gone up? I had finished eating, and slowly other people finished as well. I wasn't really ready for the next game. I was never going to be ready for games like this.

The guards stomred in with their hand guns, making me flinch in surprise. I could hear some distant gasps in the other side of the room. "Everyone please line up in the middle. I repeat everyone please line up in the middle." The guards stood still, until we had all formed one long line. Then they started moving again, leading us to the coloured stairs. They opened the doors, showing us a horrific scene. There were people hanging in a rope by the neck. They had been shot in the head, I could see from the stains of blood. One of them was the guy with glasses that went missing. The other were guards. Why would they show us this? My eyes quickly escaped, and my vision focused to my feet. "Players what you see here, is the remains of the people who broke the rules for their own benefit." I breathed in, not daring take a look. "The main purpose of the game is that everyone get equal opportunity to play." He continued. I didn't really listen. That could have been Sae-Byeok if she had gotten caught. My body filled up with anxiety, and I sucked my teeth. I didn't want to think about it.

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