XV bad ending

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Sae-byeok POV:

I had parted ways from y/n, sobbing and crying. Why did she had to be so damn heroic? But I still moved my lips close to her ears and whispered "I love you too." I knew she couldn't hear me. She was so distant from me. She was still conscious, because I could see her eyes move around under her eyelid. But she was long gone.

"She needs a doctor!" Gi-him screamed, while banging on the door, ruining his hands. Like they would care. They would gladly let all the other 400 people die. So why would they care about this one? I could feel the cold truth wrap around my brain. She was going to die in my hands.

My breath felt sharp and my heart clenched. She couldn't die. I wouldn't let her. But no matter how much I tried to fight my the fact, I knew it wouldn't change. I was sitting with her, holding her close to me.

A strange feeling lingered around my body, of being watched. More then usual anyway. So I looked around, and saw Sang-woo staring at us. I curled my lips, and stared back. Like I said on the bus, it wasn't going to be the last time a creepy guy would stare at me. We maintained a long eye contact, before I finally looked back at y/n, who seemed so weak. I pressured my fingers against her throat, and sighed, when I could feel the pulse. But I could feel it was weaker then before. I closed my eyes, and sent a prayer. I was never religious. I guess it was hard to believe there was anyone up there, witnessing what I went through, and wouldn't do anything about it. But it didn't matter. Because if there were any chance that I could bring her back, I would try it. Just so I could fully kiss her again. Or hear her voice, or laugh. Her soothing laugh, that never failed to give me butterflies. Her smile, with her bright teeth, that, no matter how much I fought it, made me smile as well. Just so I could experience it one last time.  Gi-hun hadn't stopped screaming, and was still at it. His panic was like a disease, spreading around in my body.

I turned my back to Sang-woo as I petted her hair. I could see drops of sweats form on her forehead. I used my shirt to wipe them off. How could she be so pretty, even when she was dying? I traced my thumb up and down her chin. How? I though to myself, as a new set of tears steamed down my chin.

I didn't have time to react, before a knife came to vision, and bored into y/n's fragile neck. I could feel her blood splatter on my face, and a light scream escaped my mouth, as I squeezed my eyes shut. I didn't dare open my eyes, afraid of what I might see. Instead I swung my head back, and my eyes landed on Sang-woo, who stood still with the knife in his hands. I froze, unable to react. His eyes showed no emotions. Like it didn't matter to him, that he just killed someone. Faint foot steps were walking in the distance, and brought me back to my reality.

I finally dared to look, and saw a big hole, in y/n's neck, where blood spilled out. "No. No no no no." I whispered, but slowly it turned into screams. "No!" I cried, trying to stop the bleeding. "Stop bleeding. Please stop. Make it stop!" I screamed at y/n. She couldn't die. Not now. Not ever.

A quiet sound of a box dropping, made me look. To my horror I saw a black coffin with pink ribbons. "No!" I scream, cracking my voice. I held her tight, not wanting to admit she was dead. She wasn't dead. She couldn't be. She was y/n. If anyone should have died, it should have been Sang-woo. Or me. Or Gi-hun. But never her. I tug her hair, wetting it from my tears. I had already lost Ji-Yeong. I couldn't lose another one.

No matter how hard I tried to prevent it. No matter how many times I clawed them away. No matter what I did, they still in the end took her away from my grip. They still took my girl away from me.

They lifted her up, and put her in the box. Her blood stained head was the last thing I saw, before they put the lid on. My rage boiled up inside me, as I turned around to Sang-woo. His eyes still not showing any emotions. I grabbed my knife in my pocket, and darted towards him. He killed her. He needs to get killed himself. I could see him drag his knife as well, and I lunged at him. But before I could cut his flesh into pieces, like he deserved, I got grabbed from behind, and shoved down on the ground. My torso got held down by another body weight, as I helplessly tried to kill Sang-woo.

All he did was stare down at me. Making me even more furious. More murderous. But I knew I couldn't do anything. So I just cried. Cried my eyes out. And it never ended. She was dead. I would never be able to see her face. To feel her touch. To kiss her lip. To hear her voice. To feel her presence. And it hit me, like a punch to my stomach. It was like someone had take a part of me away. And that someone was Sang-woo.

I was sitting in her bed. Holding on to the only thing left of her. The blood had coloured the bed completely red. And suddenly I remembered the blood on my face. Her blood on my face. I touched it with my hands, before trying to wipe it off. It was dry now, and harder to get off. But I didn't want her blood on me. The pictures would only haunt me even more.

A little bump was heard, and I quickly turned around, ready to punch Sang-woo off. Butt it was just Gi-hun. He lifted his arms, showing he didn't want to hurt me. I lowered my arm, loosening up. "I'm sorry." He finally said after some silence. I looked up at his eyes, that I had avoided before. And if I could cry, I would. But my eyes couldn't anymore. It was like I had no water left. Like I had dried out. I felt dried out.

I looked back at the bed, thinking of her. A light tap on my shoulder, made me look back, yet again, to see Gi-huns sad face. I knew he pitied me. But honestly I didn't care. "We should go back to out beds. It's almost bedtime." He stated, and with that he walked away over to his bed. I knew he was right, so I got up, and walked away, without looking back.

I was in bed, and stared at the clock that was counting down. 1 minute left. And then I would be able to kill Sang-woo. Not with a knife. No they had taken them away from us. Making me incapable of killing him easily. It annoyed me, but only made me able to think of every other way to kill him on. 30 seconds. I looked back at Sang-woo, who was busy looking at the time. His calm grimace, made me tighten my grin around my pillow. 10 seconds. I could feel myself getting ready for it. 5. I fixed my posture. 4, 3, 2, 1. "Night time." The speaker said, leaving us in complete darkness.

I quietly rose from my bed, holding my pillow. I made sure I wasn't making a single sound, that could expose me. Tip toing away from my bed, I tried to hear if he had though of the same thing as me. But if he really had gotten up, and was now trying to kill me, he would go towards an empty bed. And so would I. So I waited some time, just standing still. When I truly couldn't hear anything, I started walking towards his bed.

But then I heard a sound of foot steps over at Gi-huns bed. And I knew it wasn't his. I turned my body around, and darted towards him. I could see Sang-woo, ready to strangle Gi-hun with his pillow. Just like I was going to do to him.

I barged into him, making him trip, and fall down on the floor. Before he could react I kicked him again. And then again. I could see blood fall out of his mouth, and a scary satisfaction spread around my body. I wanted to go on, and kick him until he died. But I remembered Deok-su. (101) How he had kicked a man to death. And even though our motives were way different, I was still scared that I would end up like him.

But the hesitation had given Sang-woo a chance to sweep my feet away, making me crash down on the floor. "Fuck." I roar, as the pain spreads. Another wave of pain hit me, as his hand collided with my ribs.

Heyyy. So I am wayyyy to tired to continue, so this is the first part of the bad ending
I know it is really badly made, but I didn't know how to make it.

Also I didn't edit it, so yk.

And for some reason there is a glitch that keeps saying that the story is "mature" which there isn't. I apologise for those who did expect it. Sorry.

And please comment what you think, and maybe ideas for the next chapter?

Anyways I love you babes❤︎❤︎

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