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A/N: Yes i changed the name again BUT with good reasons. So I'm not out to my friends yet but they saw the name of my book so i had to change it again because they of course just have to find it. Sorry for the trouble.

I gently opened my eyes, feeling groggy. For some reason my pillow was more uncomfortable then usual.  i huffed a little, annoyed at the discomfort. When i didn't succeed i got up. "good morning." a voice said scaring me. To my horror i realized i had fallen asleep on top of her. "Oh god I'm so sorry." i said brushing my mess of a hair with my fingers. (If you have a hijab, or anything like that, just picture you fixing that) She chuckled in her morning voice, even though i wasn't sure if she even slept. "Did you get sleep?" I asked. She nodded a little. I looked around. Everything was a mess. Beds had fallen, and metal bars lying around. But the bodies and the splattered blood was taken and cleaned away. At least on the ground. I looked down to see blood splattered all over my shirt. I remembered the blood that landed on my face last night. My tears had cleaned some of it but I could still feel the rest stained on me cheeks. I tried drying it off with my sleep but it was no use. I needed water. And a mirror.

A guard was in the room. He had a triangle on his mask. I walked up to him, and Kang Sae-Byeok followed. "Hey I need the bathroom." He seemed unfazed, ignoring me. "Dude I'm sure you don't wanna clean up pee." I said, finally getting a reaction out of him. He started walking and I followed him. "Are you really following me to the bathroom?" I asked looking back at Sae-Byeok. "See it as a wing wing from when you did." I sent her a grin and walked on. He led us through doors and halls. All so much more filled with colours then our dorm room.

He opened the door for us and waited outside. At least he wasn't that perverted. "You don't have to worry about me, I just need this blood of." I said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. It scared me how naturally I said it. I turned on the water (not just the water iyk what I mean) and washed my face. Sae Byeok was staring at me, and I sent a nervous smile. I wetted some paper and washed the last off. (Why do i feel like it's getting a little steamy in here.) My hair was dripping, and water fell down my chin. She continued to stare at me. I felt myself blush, but quickly hid it with me drying my face. "Should we go?" I asked. "Nah I don't wanna go back in there right now." She said. I raised my eyebrow but then sat down, and signalled for her to to the same. She dumped her body close to mine. I looked at her and saw a bad bruise on her right cheek. How didn't I see that before. "Hey are you okay?" I asked as I reached out for it. There was a little blood around it, though it had dried. She flinched at my move. I quickly returned my hand to the side of my torso. "Sorry." I mumbled. I examined it from a distance, and even though it wasn't that bad, it still must have hurt. This time I slowly moved my hand back, trying to see how bad it really was. My fingers landed on her cheek and traced up to the cut. She flinched a little in pain from my touch. "We need to wash this as well." I whispered. I don't know why. But it didn't seem right to talk normally in that situation. I yet again removed my hand, and we stood up to wash it. I took some paper and held it under the cold running water. I wanted to dry it myself but she caught my hand, and took the paper. "I can wash it off myself don't worry." She whispered back. A loud bang interrupted us from an unsatisfied guard. "Hurry up before the next game!" He yelled.

"We should probably go." I whispered. She nodded, and we walked out. I looked him up and down before going back myself. He ran a little before catching up on us.

Sae-Byeok POV:

My cheek was still a little in pain, but it was more like an uncomfortable heat. And I couldn't determine if it was from the cut or from y/n. I almost couldn't look away when she washed her face. Like she was this magnet to my eyes. And her cute blush when she caught me. I felt like I always wanted to know more about her, and we have only known each other for what 3 days? My mind was acting crazy.


We got in, and was kind of ready for the next game. Or I mean I'm never truly gonna be ready for games like that, but as ready as you can get.

"Next game is about to begin. Let me repeat next game is about to begin." A feminine voice stated. I bit my fingers, making them red and sore again. They led us through the halls and stairs, and at last to a big white room. How were we supposed to play a game in here? I thought to myself, thinking about what game it could possibly be.

"Find in groups of ten people in for ten minutes. The timer starts now." The voice said. We were in our group from last night. Made out of player 199, 213, 456, 001 Sae-Byeok and me. We looked at each other. "Okay we need to find some men. They are better then women at most things." 212 states. His misogynistic speech made me hate him a little more. "Well what if we have to play a game that women are better at?" 456 asked. He started saying the games they were better at, but the time was ticking and we needed to move on. "If we find one each, except for me and Sae-Byeok go together, we will get 10. We will meet here when there is 2 minutes left" I said, and looked at the clock behind me. And like that we spread out. A lot of people were already in groups. We had to look after those who were alone. Me and Sae-Byeok scanned the room for anyone. We had searched and searched for a long time, but people were either already in groups, or didn't want to. A part of me wanted to pick a girl just to puss 212 off. Minutes had gone and I was starting to get desperate. A man with rotten teeth came up to us even more desperate. "Please can I be with you guys?" He begged, slamming his sweaty palms together. But I already had an eye on another one. I grabbed Sae-Byeoks hand and guided her away. The man tried to grab her hand, making us stay but we were too fast. It was the girl that was underneath me the very first day. She sat on the stairs and looked at her fingers. Her nose ring shone from the lights of the lamps. We stepped up in front of her, and she looked up slowly. "Hey, do you wanna join our team?" I asked making her tilt her head. "Why should I?" She asked back, and I furrowed my brows. "Because you are probably gonna die if you don't." I said, apparently convincing her because she stood up and followed us back to the group. There was almost 2 minutes left, and we had gotten our way back. The other people from the group was already there, waiting for us. We sat down, and waited for someone to start talking. "I told you only men." 212 said pissing me more off. I rolled my eyes, before looking back at 249. "Oh did I join the wrong team? I will see myself out." She stood up, but I grabbed her hand. "No we don't have time to find another person." I said looking dead into his irritating eyes. I gestured her to sit down, and she did. I could see 456 started counting, but a disappointed look appeared on his face. "Nine.." he mumbled before starting again. I counted as well. He was right we were only 9. "Who didn't bring anyone?" He asked. The old man raised a finger. Of course. I wouldn't join his team either if he asked me. How were we supposed to find someone in time? Was the gross man with the rotten teeth still available? "Maybe we can get some people who weren't picked in time." 212 suggested. Then an annoying laughter came and the crazy woman arrived. This couldn't be any worse. "Hey I was picked but I choose to not go." She tried. She smiled, and continued. "You are so lucky to have me on your team! And I'm good at everything except for the things I'm not!" She said loudly. We all looked at the clock and knew we didn't have time for picking another person. The time was up. I looked around and saw the people divided in groups. Even the man with the rotten teeth had found another team. "Please follow the guard sit the play field." The soothing but scary voice said. Okay this wasn't the playground I realised. We followed them, and ended up in a room. My eyes widened as I saw a tall scary tower in the middle of the room. It looked like tug of war. We are so fucked.

First of all I wanted to tell you that I can't comment or reply messages because my email doesn't wanna work. But thank you for the lovely comments... except for those having a battle, though it is funny to watch. Anyway, thank you so much for giving me inspiration and motivation. Please leave a vote and comment of you like!

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