XVII good ending part 3

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Gi-hun POV:

I walked into the square, and walked up to him. I raised my knife and aimed it for his throat. But he swirled around, avoiding it. I lashed out again, furious, but yet again he avoided it. We both tumbled around, while Sae-Byeok stood alone, smart enough to not get involved.

We darted around with our knives, until I finally saw an opening and yanked my arm at him. He grabbed the arm, stopping me from boring it into his flesh. I tried to put more pressure, but he was just as strong. I could see his hand have me in a headlock, overpowering me and towering over me. Ready to bore his knife into my chest. But instead I could hear him screaming, and he fell down. I quickly got up and saw Sae-Byeok with a bloody knife in her right arm. I looked back at Sang-woo and saw a gigantic cut in his hand. I sighed relieved, as I got up again, at the same time as him. I pushed away his knife that had fallen silently to the sound observing sand. He aggressively took off his jacket and threw it in my face, covering my view for a second. I took it off and threw it to the ground before running towards him.

I swung my hand towards him, but I could feel his hand hit the knife out of mine.

I looked up at his face, before punching it hard. He flew back, covering his mouth with his hand.
When he removed it blood was showing on his lips.

He shook his hand before hitting me. I didn't have time to react before his knuckles landed on my face. I staggered away, feeling my face sting and burn.

I could feel his cold hands grabbed harshly on my face, as he tried to push me backwards. I tried to fight against him, but I could see how my heels were a little too close to the edge. Once again he stumbled backwards as Sae-Byeok pushed him. Before he could react she punched him hard, making him fall harshly to the ground. She walked over and kicked him in the stomach, making him groan, and desperately try to crawl away. But she kicked him again before he could get away. And then again. And again. And she just kept going, until I tugged her sleeve, making her look up at me in anger, but then loosened her grimace, and relaxed.

"What's next?" She asked coldly, just wanting to win.

"Now we go up there." I said and pointed at the circle. She nodded, and waited for me to walk first. So I started walking, while looking back at Sang-woo. But as I was about three steps from victory. Three steps from 23 billion won, and three steps from freedom. I stopped up. I could hear the click of a gun, and saw the guard ready to shoot him the second we finished. And after all he did, I couldn't be the reason why he died. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. So I forced myself to turn around, and walk over to Sang-woo. Sae-Byeok looked confused, but didn't walk any further. She waited awkwardly, while I headed towards Sang-woo and the guard.

I took out my hand, for him to reach. He looked confused, leaving me hanging.

"Come on, if we both vote, we will all get out of here alive." I said moving my hand closer to his body. I could see him think, wondering if I was bluffing. He looked up at me, with guilt painted in his face.

"I'm sorry." He said, before pulling out the knife, that was beside him. At first I thought he was going to kill me, and a loud shout from Sae-Byeok revealed she thought the same. But instead he bored it into the side of his throat. I couldn't help but yelp, as I watched the blood fuss out of him.

"What are you doing?!" I desperately asked, feeling tears from in my eyes. I could see his mouth open.
"Don't talk." I said trying to save him. But I knew no one would survive that.

"My mom." He whispered, and I could see how he used all his powers. His lungs were barely getting any air, as the blood pool under him was growing. "Please stop talking." I sob. Which was ironic because seconds ago, I was trying my hardest to kill him.

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