XV good ending part 1

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So I saw your good ideas, and now I'm making a good and bad ending, I really loved your ideas so much thank you! I know this isn't as long as you may have hoped, but it is the best I got.
Good luck reading.

Sae-byeok POV:




She manage to get out, making me stop in my track. She loves me. She loves 𝑚𝑒. She 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑠 me. An energy warmed my body, and I pressed myself towards her, trying to make her stay conscious, just for a while. Tears fell down my cheeks, and ended up in my mouth, making the kiss wet, and salty. I could feel how she desperately tried to kiss back. To stay here, in this moment.
I part away when I can feel her give up, and dry my red eyes. I didn't know if she could hear me, but I whispered in her ear. "I love you too."


My hands, that had accidentally landed on her waist was now covered in blood. Gi-hun ran over to the door and started banging, and yelling. "We need a doctor!" He screamed, over and over again. I knew they weren't going to help us. All I could do was hold y/n. Hold her close to me. Even though she felt like miles away, I kept her in the hug.


Gi-huns yelling stopped for a second, so he could breath in properly. The silence made me hear foot steps behind me, about 2 meters away. I quickly looked back, and saw Sang-woo with a knife in his right hand. His eyes widened at the surprise, of me catching him red handed. He pulled his arm back as a try to stab me, but I swirled to the left, avoiding the deathly metal. He tried to turn to me, but I was too fast. I saw an opening, and harshly grabbed his right wrist, with one hand, and pointed my own knife against his throat, with the other. I could see him tense up, when the cold metal collided with his thin skin. The banging stopped, and I could hear a loud gasp come from Gi-hun watching the scene happening.

"If you as much as think about hurting one of us again." I say as a threat, watching fear grow in his eyes. "I will slit your throat. Got it?" I hissed, as I took his knife away from his clingy hands. He tried to hold onto it with his index finger, but when I pressed the blade closer to his throat, he finally let go. "Good." I said getting all up in his gross face. "Now get the fuck back to your bed, so you can live your miserable life." I snarled, watching him slowly back off.

When I felt like he wouldn't attack me, I turned around on my heels, and reached y/n. Her eyes were closed, and I in panic, checked for a pulse. I exhaled deeply as I could feel the slow rhythm. She was still alive. I looked over at the tense Gi-hun, giving him a nod, showing him she's alive. His faces relaxed, as he closed his eyes in relief.

"Can you help me?" I asked him with cracks in my voice. His stone still figure finally moved, as he walked over to help her. We needed new bandage, something to help her wound. And we also needed to wash it. I found my t-shirt, leaving her alone with Gi-hun. But I knew he would guard her with his life. He was just that type of person.


"We need to get her to the toilets." I say to Gi-hun, and he nods. I grabbed her back, and held her head high, as Gi-hun took her legs. It took a lot of my strength to lift her up, and carry her to the blood filled door. I kept looking at Sang-woo, scared he might attack again. When we had reached the door, we gently put y/n on the floor. Her mouth was open, and her pink lips full. Her hair ( or hijab, scarf or whatever) covered her eyes, and I brushed it off, so her beautiful face came to view. I knocked loudly 3 times before yelling. "I need to go to the bathroom!" They didn't respond the first 5 seconds, but finally they opened the door. Gi-hun that before was keeping a watch, now pointed his attention back to us. We both carried her again, towards the toilets.

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