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I am going a little back in time, just so you won't be confused:)

Sae-Byeok POV:

We had walked separate ways, but I kept looking after her, until she was out of sight. I didn't know if I could trust her yet. But she genuinely seemed nice. I already gave her my name. And she gave me hers. Y/n. I thought about the name for a while. It was pretty. She was pretty. A good combination.

I didn't know why but I felt safe around her. Safe in green light red light, knowing she was close. I felt safe in the voting, knowing she had chosen to stay. I felt safe walking home with her, having conversations, or just walking in silence. I buried my hands in my face. "Fuck." I whispered. I didn't even know if I could fucking trust her. I didn't know shit about her, or her life. I kicked a stone that was right in front of me into a building nearby. It was frustrating. What if she didn't even want to go back to the games? what if she stayed home? She voted green, but what if she changed her mind. And why did that matter to me? I let out a groan, and stopped walking. I think my brain has stopped working. The light form the street light reflected in a muddy puddle. And I out of frustration kicked it, so it spilled everywhere. Including my own jeans, and shirt.

I woke up in my own bed. A thought came in and I remembered that i needed to check in on my brother. Shit i was supposed to meet him yesterday. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. The money had completely wiped my mind from anything else. i checked the clock. I could make it just in time, if i hurried now.

I changed into some baggy black jeans, and a dark green tanktop. I flew out the door, and ran to the bus. The doors almost closed, but the driver saw me in time, and let me in. "Thank you." i said, but kept my face still. I paid him, and he started driving. i controlled my breath from the run after a while, and looked around. There was an old woman with her walking stick. She looked vulnerable. Like the old man. Player 001. Her hair had a tint of grey and silver, and she had had round glasses. I looked a little more around, my eyes landing on a man. He was already staring at me, giving me creeps. If he wants a staring competition, he will get one. So i stared down at him, intensely, without really moving a muscle. It wasn't the first time, and most definitely won't be the last someone would look at me like that. After some staring competition, he finally looked away. I made an victorious smile to myself.

The bus stopped, and along with me two others stepped out. I walked fast, knowing that his lunch break would end soon. And there he sat. Completely alone, looking for me. My heart broke, and I started running towards him. He saw me and ran towards me as well. We embraced each other in a hug. I tugged his hair, hugging him tighter. I really hoped he would forgive me for this one.

We sat down on the bench, and he looked down. "Where were you?"
"I lost track of time I'm so sorry."
"The other kids said that you had abandoned me." He cried out. My stomach dropped. I looked dead serious in his sad eyes. "I would never leave you okay? Do you understand?" I almost cried, but remembered I needed to be strong for him.
"No I was just trying to get mom back. Ok? I'm gonna get mom back." I answered. A little crack in my voice exposed my vulnerability.
"You said that a long time ago, but she isn't back." I just looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.
"Back inside kids! Time to go back inside!" A lady yelled. He looked up at me one last time, almost whispering. "Please bring her back this time." I nodded and watched him walk back in.

I sat on the chair watching the man talk about a promising new offer. I didn't really pay attention. I still had a lot of anger in me after the last time. He kept rambling about how amazing this team was. How many they had safely helped. My patience was almost slipping up. I played around with my knife in my pocket. It was smooth and warm from my touch. "All you have to do is give me the money, and I will send it out to the team. They will get your mom back I promise." He said with his fake service smile. My hand impulsively grabbed the knife, and I took fast steps against the man. The sharp metal only a few mm from the thin skin on his throat.
(Very hot I know😩)
"Last time I trusted you, and sent all my money." I snarled, only moving my lips a little.
Fear formed in his eyes, and his skin became pale. After a second he stuttered. "I-how was I supposed to know they would run away with the money." I knew I wasn't supposed to but the anger drove me to bore the knife into his skin. Just so a few drops would fall. I stared down at him, and finally put away the knife. "Im gonna send you the money, but don't make it happen again, or I will slit your throat." I knew I wouldn't ever actually do it. But he didn't know that. And it was rather amusing seeing him like this.

I walked out, with mixed emotions. My thoughts always switching between y/n, the money, and my brother. I was so caught up, thinking about y/n I accidentally walked into someone. "I'm so sorry!" They said, and quickly moved on. They dropped something, and I picked it up to give it back, but then saw the logo. A triangle, a circle and a square. I quickly looked for the person I had just bumped into, but I never saw their face, and they had already melted into the crowd. I flipped the card, expecting a new phone number but instead there was something else written. "Same time, same place tomorrow."

"I stood around, the same place, waiting for them to pick me up. At least this time I had a plan. The silver car stopped in front of me and opened the window. "Player 67, what's the password."
"Green light red light." I said without hesitation. The doors opened and I crawled in. I got a shock when I saw y/n asleep in the car, right next to me. I will keep you safe don't worry, I thought to her, hoping that she could read my mind. The gas started to fill the car, as soon as the door closed. I closed my eyes, and rolled back my head. I could hear the driver turn in the seat, watching to see if I had fallen asleep, and opened the windows again. I could feel the car starting to move, and I slowly opened my eyes. The plan had worked.

Y/n POV:
The soft music started playing, and I opened my eyes. This time I knew it wasn't a dream. There was no big surprise in the fact that I was back in my bed, with my blue jumpsuit. Neither was it to see everyone else in the same clothes. I looked around, analysing people who had come back. The woman with an unregistered baby was here. That was unexpected. The old man, 001, came back as well. He looked confused. 456 was here, even though he had yelled at people for wanting to stay. How ironic. My mouth moved into a bittersweet smirk.
It quickly disappeared when I locked eyes with 67, and instead it turned into a genuine smile. She was back. And for some reason that made me relieved. I carefully waved at her, and she secretly waved back. Now I was ready for game 2.

Words: 1378
I don't even know if it's in the right order, but I'm too lazy to check, so please don't hate😔🤚.

Also I know it's short so I'm sorry!

And please comment what you think, and vote, it would mean a lot.

And thank you for almost 1k views I'm literally crying🥲

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