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Even though I didn't get the votes I still remade this chapter. And for yall that don't understand I made a bad chapter so now I remade it.

My hands were trembling after the game. This one was harder then the last one. I mean of course different games requires different skills, but it craved all my energy and focus. Luckily I had chosen triangle. Many others didn't. Just like many others didn't survived. I had gone over to my bed. I needed time alone to process things. I stopped my trembling hands by putting them on my legs. I looked up at the piggy bank and remembered why I did this. My mom needed those money. I needed those money. It was half filled, and I knew after this game, there would be even more. I couldn't help but feel just a little happy over the fact that I could earn more money. Even though it was on the expand of others. They choose it. They could stay away and they didn't. Just like me.

People came from time to time back into the room. One of them was 101 with his greasy hair and gross confident smile. He looked over at the crazy woman, and nodded. She winked back, and waved at him. I just looked away again, looking at the door, and seeing who had passed. 199 the guy who had saved 456 in the first game came with an innocent smile on his face. He was strong. But apparently also precise. Time went on, and I could see the last people enter the room. The old man and player 456. They were talking together, and soon joined their own group. The people in this room were the only survivors from the game. Everyone else were dead.

The guards came in, and stood there with the guns. A familiar sound came and money fell down the piggy bank, as the before 187 numbered people drastically dropped. Everyone went back to theirs, either discussing the money with their new groups, or thinking silently. I was one of the silent people.

Food time came around, and we were told to stand in lines. We did. Sae Byeok and I stood in the same, and I could hear she was only inches away from me. I could feel a weird feeling, but I ignored it. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah, but the last game was kind of intense." I exclaimed. I wasn't really okay tho. And I knew she knew, but she just let it slide. "What about you?" I asked turning my head around to see her face. She didn't answer, just shrugged her shoulders. I nodded, knowing exactly how she felt. I sent her a grin. "Thanks for making me choose triangle btw. I probably wouldn't have survived without." She smiled a little before I turned my vision back to the food, and the people receiving it. It looked sad. Just an egg and a bottle of something. I couldn't see what. "It looks disgusting." Sae Byeok said. I chuckled a little at her statement, and couldn't agree more. "Most of their food is disgusting. I wonder who cooks it? Those masked dudes?" We both laughed a little, until it was our turn to receive the food. I grabbed it, and walked over to Sae Byeoks bed. I had already been sitting alone with my thoughts for too long. I needed some laughter. She looked surprised for a second but then joined me. "I never really liked eggs. They have this weird consistency." I stated, trying to peel it." She grabbed my egg, and I thought she was going to eat it, but instead she helped me peeling it off. "I have this technique where you poke a hole, and take off the skin under." She demonstrated, and a little look of disgust formed on my face. It looked gross. "And then when you peel the skin off, the shell will come off with it." She gave me the now peeled and egg, and I raised an eyebrow examining the egg for shells. I slowly poked it before eating it. I looked to the side and saw she as well was busy eating hers.

"I never got to ask but why are you in here?" She asked me. I stopped eating, and swallowed the egg before answering. "You know, same as everyone else, I am in severe debt and all that stuff." I didn't want to go in details. Even though i liked being around her and all that stuff I couldn't know for sure if I trusted her. She nodded and continued eating her egg. We sat in a little awkward silence until we both heard some yelling at the other side of the room. An angry man was yelling at the guards. "HEY YOU MISSED FOOD FOR 5 PEOPLE!" He yelled. He was clearly hungry and desperate. "WE ALL NEED OUR FOOD!" He continued.
"We have prepared food for the exact number of players." The guard said, completely cold. Everyone was paying attention. "well where is out food? Give me my food!" He stepped forwards towards the guards. They pointed their guns at him. He quickly stepped back. Another woman with her food stood up and pointed at 101 and his group of 5. "I saw them take extra." She yelled, getting everyone's attention. It matched up. And I wasn't even surprised. They all laughed showing their egg in their mouths. The angry guy ran over to them. "Hey give me the bottle!" He yelled. "No." 101 cockily answered. The angry guy stepped up and grabbed the bottle. They both fought for it, and unluckily resulted in the bottle falling and crashing. The beverage fell, and spilled over the floor. "You little shit!" He said now really angry. I could see his arm rise ready for the punch, and hit the poor guy to the floor. "It broke because of you asshole!" Loud noises was heard every time that 101's foot connected to the guys ribs. "How is it you can be so greedy after food you idiot!" He said with gritted teeth, and harsh breath. I looked away. I couldn't take it.

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