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(AN: I really can't write a good veldora and Rimuru meeting I hate this part of the stroy so much haha , so please just bear with it)

Rimuru POV

"Did I die? Fuck you Yuuki!" Is what I thought while Feeling nothing .. in a Dark space. I opened my eyes but all I see is Nothing. 

'My Friends died .. Why was I so weak ?' I cursed myself for 2 Hours no one answered of Course. 

'I wanted to make Ciel happy .. and now she isn't here anymore'

/You are wrong Master as if I could kleave you side , didn't I said I'll help you until you die?/ the soft voice of Ciel ran through my Head. I smiled 'At least she is here..' 

/I am happy Master for your words .. this is the second time I feel something like this .. please close your eyes and have faith in me/ she sqaid and I did what she said.

After a while I could feel my slime Body again on a could Ground. 'Ehhhh ? What happened ? Well I can't see at the Moment ..' 

/You need to activate your Magic sense Master/

/Whoa! Ciel you are here?/ 

/Of course Master/ 

I then activated my Magic Sense and looked suprised by what I saw. A seemingly familiar Cave /What happaned Ciel?/

/You indeed died back then but I was able to create a spell you could only activate once , I've created the Skill Back in Time with the sacrefice (?) of all your skills besides me and the Skills you had at your birth like pradator/

/So you turned back the time of the whole Universe?/


/So... All my Friends and Family are alive at the Moment?/


I smiled even when I can't smile as a slime anyways I should plan what to do now but I am way to excited bouncing trough the whole Cave that I accidential fell into the water. Ciel created the same Skill as she did as Great sage and I shot myself Right at Veldora's Prison.

'Huh? What was that?'

/The infinite Prison?/ Ciel said 

"How dare a Little Slime disturb my Sleep!!" I heared Veldora's voice and turned to him.

"Oh you are Veldora right? Want to be my friend?" I said and he looked suprised.

"KUHAHA HAHAHA a dere slime friend of the Mighty Storm Dragon Veldora?" He laughed 'Hee.. the tsundere Dragon you mean"

Of Course in the past timeline we first talked About much stuff before we became Friends but I just want to become my Name already.

"Okay then I'll go now" I said Jumping away from his Prison.

"Oi Wait ! I didn't said we can't be Friends" the Dragon shouted

"Mhh.. okay then we can be Friends from now on! I could even eat you and store you at my stomach , I don't want to see a friend being bored insade a Prison"

"You want to eat me Kuhahahahahaha" he laughed again

"Then just die in there" I said

"Wait Wait we can do that! But I will give you aq Name first as sign of our friendship."

"Then I'll give you a last Name after all you don't have one!" I said

"Your Name will be Rimuru" He said and I once again felt the power flowing into my Body. 

Rimuru the True Dragon LordWhere stories live. Discover now