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Rimuru POV

The last few days were silent , the goblins hunted our food , Souei were guarding our surroundings , Benimaru often helped Shuna which worked with the Dwarfs. Ranga got patted a lot by me these days or I simply relaxed in my Slime form which then usally ended in Shion arms. 

But then Velzard started a Thought Communication through our Soul Corridor 'Rimuru as you told me I looked after Milim and I don't know why but she is plotting something with those weak Demon Lords Clayman , Karrion and Frey. It seems like they want to create a New Demon Lord in the Jura-Fortest should I dispose of it immediately?' She asked me I must say Velzard is really nice to me I wonder why? 

'Ahh my little Sisiter don't worry I will defeat it on my own. You don't need to leave Guy's side' I said 

'Ehhh ? Buuut I really want to fight Rimuru~ please let me fight I am bored at this Demon's side!' She complained and I giggled 'Why don't fight Guy then? This new Demon Lord wouldn't even withstand a single attack of you' I said 

'But every time I ask him he decline it .. he is a lazy Demon also he has only eyes for Demon Lord Leon' She said 

'I see well we can fight when we see us the next time Velzard , I promise' I said 'I hope you remember what you said Dear - eh Dear Brother!' She said and then the Thought Communication ended.

I then get back into my Human form and walked trough little tempest talking to Ciel /Ciel what is the chance of Velzard winning against me ?/ I asked 

/None , I will despose of her before .. she dared to call you Dear!/ I could see that she clearly is angry /She said Dear Brother don't worry after all you are my first wife don't you remember?/ I asked her 

/Of course I remember hmpf/ She pouted , really? /Well now please answer my Question seriously Ciel/ 

/She has a chance of 0,00001% Chance of winning against you when she fights with her full power/ She said 

/Ehhhh ? Am I that powerfull ?/ I asked shocked 

/Well this number is then she uses her skills correctly and at the perfect time .. and when you would fight a bit heartless. Master as the True Dragon Lord has two Dragon Form's the 1st is basicly a Dragon like Veldora when you met him in the cave. But the 2nd Is a Human-Dragon Form .. basicly you could say it's Milim's Battle mode in an Ultimate version/ She said

/Ehhhhhh? I have two Dragon forms , why no one said me that?/ I asked shocked 

/Because Master  didn't asked/ She answered

'Mhh.. I can understand why this 2nd Dragon form is strong after all Dragons are big and an easy target for magic also they can't move that quick on the ground but as humans all this weak points aren't anymore' I thought.

I then walked to my House and saw Rigurd "Rigurd please gather everyone of the Oni's here" I said and he nodded "Of course Great Rimuru-sama" then he left my House and came a few minutes later back with the Oni's and they all sat down before me , Well Shion wanted to carry me so I got back into my Slime form.

"Listen guys , this evening we will attack the Orc Army Souei you will go later to the Lizardmen Cave Benimaru , Shion and Hakurou will fight again the Orcs .. Also we will take some Goblin riders with us" I said and they all nodded 

"But what should I do Rimuru-sama?" Shuna asked me "You will guard with the others the Village after all we don't know what will happen today" I said and she nodded. 

"Then go and prepar yourself for the War!" I declared and all of them shouted in union "Yes Rimuru-sama" They said and left I looked statisfied 'Even in this Timeline they are my friends .. well when something goes completly wrong I can just give them back their Memories' 

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