Family Meeting

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Rimuru POV

I've felt every True Dragon Core flying towards my Direction so I teleported up to the hill where you can watch Tempest from above and under the tree I prepared a Desk with 7 Seats. 

Then I called Milim , Veldora , Viola and Shizue to me. Everyone besides Shizue came at the same time what suprised me "Did you guys do something together ?" 

"Yes Uncle Rimuru I've played with Milim and Father and we read together Mangas" Viola said excited 

I smiled seeing them so close together and the fact that Milim didn't destroyed anything "I see sorry that I disturbed your time together but we have a Family meeting" I said 

Veldora's Face paled "D-Does this mean my Sisters come too ?" He asked 

"Yeaaahhh! I can meet aunt Velzard and aunt Velgrynd" Viola said excited 

Milim sat down silently and took a few sweats to eat.

Well for Veldora he tried to sneak away but then suddenly Shizue stands in front of him "Where do you wanna go this is an Important meeting" she said while smacking his head lightly. 

'Seems like he has now even a younger sister that smacks his head' I thought 

Then Veldora silently sat down on one of the chairs Shizue next to him.

After a few Minutes Velgrynd was the first to came here. She has dark Blue hair and Yellow hair I kinda like her Human body. Well I could tell that she really is confused right now after all here are so many Dragon's she don't know. 

Then after a while also Velzard was here flying towards me "Rimuruuuuu!" She said and hugged me after she landed , I patted her head "Little Velzard don't be that childish" I said smiling 

"Hmm? just let me be a child for a few seconds" Everyone could tell she just wants to be carressed by me but that is fine for me. Well someone who don't like Velzard that much was now even more confused. 

"Sister , that's to much" someone said with an pouting face and Velzard looked up from my clothes to Shizue. 

"So you must be Shizue right? Rimuru told me a lot about you" Velzard said 

"Likewise" Shizue said and somehow the air tensed around those two.

But Velgrynd disturbed it "First neglating your younger brother and now you are going lovey dovey with that man behind Guys back" Velgrynd said which angered Velzard 

"I weren't in any relationship with Guy anyways" Velzard said and i could feel that this meeting goes down the river. 

I've casted a barrier around this place and let my aura flowing out of me with an smile. 

"I've really looked forward to this Family meeting it would be really bad for everyone here to dissapoint my dear brother Veldenava" I said in an scary tone and everyone sat down as fast as possible.

/Master that's enough/ Ciel said and I calmed down , then I sat down and looked at Velgrynd. 

"Velgrynd thanks to you I've enough Problems so don't ruin this Family meeting to" I said and Velgrynd seemed to be shocked and wanted to say something but Velzard didn't let her the chance and said "Velgrynd he is The Void Dragon Rimuru Tempest .. the True Dragon Lord" She said and took a pause "You know what that means right ?" 

Velgrynd looked at me "I am sorry big brother to cause such a chaos here" she said and I could tell it was honest so I smiled "It's okay Velgrynd , I love all of you equally .. you are my Family and my brother gave me a mission to watch over you" I said and Velgrynd nodded 

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