War Part 1

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Rimuru POV

As Luminous hugged me and I could feel pressure coming from not only Shizue and Chloe .. but also Ciel I got goose bumps I praid that Luminous would stop but her seeing the reaction of the too girls .. 

"Tsk .. seems like I need to show of my supiriority more" She said and then Vampire fangs grew on her theeth. 

'Oh no .. Oh no no no ! Stop Stop it Luminous' I thought but she already bite me and was sucking out my magicules. 

'OH .. I am dead' I thought 

"Heee that Vampire ! Who said you are allowed to do that to my brother!" Shizue said angered 

"Seems like I need to try harder" Chloe said 

"He?" Shizue said suprised at hearing Chloe's words

"Luminous what the .." Hinata's mind was a mess trying to get all the information right now.

But then suddenly Luminous was grabbed on her shouder and in the next seconds she was flying across the grassland into the Tress. A lot of Tress were destroyed and I sighed. Of course I knew who it was .. and who would have the guts to yeet Luminous away. 

"Rimuru ?" Chloe asked suprised and Hinata seemed to be scared as she looked at those Red eyes in front of her 

Shizue smiled she knew who it was "Welcome Ciel" she greeted her witch suprised me 

"Ciel ? So Rimuru-senpai has siblings ?" Alice asked who still was on Ranga's back. 

But then an angered Luminous appeared in front of me "Who did that ?" She seemed really pissed and I wanted to answer but .. 

"Luminous you are too greedy last time I let you get away with it but this time you should know your place" Ciel said in a calm voice acting like a noble lady. 

'Wow .. never knew Ciel could behave like this' I thought 

"Huh?" Luminous looked suprised left and right between Ciel and me , clearly confused. 

"Who the heck are you" Luminous asked 

"I am Ciel Tempest .. Master's 1st wife" She said 

"Eh Ciel-chan please do.." I said but received a Death glare from her 

"Master you should prepare yourself for a Message Session for a long time" She said 

'Haa .. I am really dead' I thought 

"1st Wife .. you look like him" Luminous said thoughtfull 

"I am a Manas I exist in Master's very Soul" she said smiling "Therefor I exist only for Master's sake and you Vampire should know your place" 

"Tsk .. seems like the first place is not winnable for us" Chloe said 

Luminous looked at Chloe "Wait aren't you?" 

"Stop it Luminous" I said and she seemed to understand 

"Well anyways then it wouldn't be a probleme for me to be the second wife right ?" Luminous said hugging me again

".. lowly Vampire" Ciel said angry 

"Ciel-sama it seems that you misunderstood my intensions .. I only hope tobe one of his wife's I will devote myself even more then you~" Luminous said while smiling at Ciel 

"Tsk we will talk about that later Vampire" Ciel said 

"Alright Alright , let us go back to tempest we have other things to take care of right ? And I want you to not talk about Ciel" I said trying to get out of this war between woman. 

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