Armed Nation of Dwargon

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Rimuru POV

I was on my way to the Armed Nation Dwargon of Course I could simply teleport there but that would be no fun at all. After all on of the best Feelings is the wind in your face while you are riding on Ranga's back. 

On my way there I thought about the things that happened. Why did they Happened ? Why now and not in my first life. 'Maybe Veldenava too has lost something travelled back in time and then asked me to save this world.

"Ranga is this Tempo alright for you?" I asked him .. he really was fast. "Yes Master .. after all I can rest in your shadows afterwards. "I guess you are right" I said and patted his head what caused him to run even faster.

Now Range reached the end of the Forest and we coukld see Dwargon from here "Maybe it's better when you go into my Shadows now Ranga" I said and he did it Right away. Then I walked to the Gate where a lot of People waited. 

Then a few Adventurers began to talk to me in a very lewd way. 'Tsk last time it was because I was a Slime and now they are flirting with me .. can't they just die?' my patience was short before Breaking into pieces which would cause them to die. 

But I endured it until I reached the Gate where the Dwarfs immediately durrounded the Adveturers after Hearing what they said. "Sorry eh.. Miss , you can pass" The Dwarf said with a blushed face 'I can pass? Just like that? It sure Comes in Hand to be good Looking sometimes' I then smiled "Thank you Mister Dwarf" and then entered Dwargon like that.

But now I have a new Problem .. I am not in the Prison 'Shit I just should have beaten those bastards of Adventurers .. I forgot that i was in Prison and then gave them my High Potions' I thought and walked through Dwargon.

After only One Minute I could feel that someone is spying on me .. really Gazel's intellegence Center really is great but not as good as Tempest's. I ignored her after all she only is doing her Job and even when I could go to Prison for beating her I already decided to wait for the Guards too be alarmed about a accident in the mines and then simply give them the High potions and so after a few Hours it happened.

Guard's runned down the Streets in Panic , I waited for the one that trusted me last time and as I saw him I walked to him. "Mister Guard" I said he looked suprised to see me again "Ah you are Miss.. ?"

"Tempest , Rimuru Tempest" I said while smiling "Ah yes Miss Tempest , I am sorry but we have an accident in the mines with injured dwarfs I have no time to help you" He said and I looked with a big smile at him "How lucky thast I have good potions here" I summoned a Barrel out of nowhere. 

The Dwarf looked suprised at what happened and the opened the top of it loocking at a blue Looking liquid. "Can we really trust her?" one of the other Dwarfs spoke "It's better then Nothing" he closed the Barrel again "take that with you to the mines" He then looked again to me "Thank you Miss Tempest , I will be on my way" I simply nodded and sensed that the spion no longer. 'I guess she'll report that to the King'

I then walked trough the Streets Looking at Dwargon it sure is a nice Nation .. well to much Industry stuuf for my taste but it's okay after all Dwargon is one of the most advanced nations on this Planet.

I then decided to take a room to Sleep for today I entered an Inn and the Barkeeper looked shocked at me .. 'even a human Woman Looks like that when seeing me'

/Because your Beauty is unmached on this planet .. no on the entire Multiverse/ Ciel said while blushing a bit

/Ah thanks Ciel/ I answered an then looked at the Woman before me "I want a room for one Night please" I said and she nodded "10 Silver for one night please" she said 'That's quite something for only one night but I gave her These 10 Silver after all Ciel can create them just like that. 

Rimuru the True Dragon LordWhere stories live. Discover now