Chapter 1 ✔

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Third person's POV

Sitting on the sofa of her new apartment reminiscing all the years of maltreatment and abuse she suffered in the hands of her foster family, Gina never thought she would make it this far after they said she was useless and wouldn't amount to anything in life.

Over the years of living with her foster family they told her a lot of things that brought down her self confidence, she wasn't allowed to be a normal and regular kid and they hit her at the slightest chance they get until they eventually thought it right to send her out of the house at an ungodly hour of the night after framing her for something she didn't do and years of endless abuse.

She met miss Avery who helped her the night she was kicked out and gave her a job and a roof over her head, miss Avery was like Godsent to Gina and she never thought people as nice as miss Avery existed due to how her foster family treated her.

The soft knock on the door pulls Gina out of her train of thoughts, she frowns at the disruption of the quiet time she is supposed to be having with her self, then she moves sluggishly to the door and looks through the peephole, staring directly at a pretty looking red haired girl with contrasting green eyes waiting on her to open the door.

"Hello I'm Melanie...but you can call me Mel, your next door neighbour, I realized that a new occupant has moved into this apartment and I came to say hi." Mel says with so much enthusiasm as soon as Gina opens the door and very much to her displeasure.

Gina eyes Mel curious as to why she approached her first instead of the other way round. Gina has always been really weary of people and doesn't trust easily but still let Mel into her apartment after a while, when she notices that Mel was starting to look at her weird as if expecting her to usher her in. Gina shut the door behind her guiding Mel to the couch in the tiny living room.

"Uhm...I'm Gina and I moved in last night, so I haven't had the chance to get acquainted with the neighbors yet." Gina says nervously not really used to having friendly conversations with people and especially with people her age.

"Uh..what can I offer you?" Gina asks  a little agnostic but at the same time trying to be hospitable. "Anything I can snack on is fine." Mel replies in her overly cheerful manner which makes Gina unsure on how to act towards her.

After getting Mel a bowl of chips that she poured from the large chip's bag and a glass of juice from her supply in her mini fridge in her also tiny kitchen, she sits down and put on the TV to at least take away a bit of the awkwardness, and the channel which it's tuned to is currently airing Gina's favorite show called chef's delight, Gina loved watching this show back at miss Avery's house and she secretly has a crush on the head chef, chef Malcolm.
She's learnt a lot of helpful cooking tips from watching this show and now sitting here with Mel watching the show is really uncomfortable for her.

Mel squeals when chef Malcolm is  caught on camera surprising Gina and then she starts blathering cheerily on how she's had the longest crush on him and how she wishes she could meet him, and also with chef Malcolm obviously being the only reason why she would watch a boring cooking show.

Gina is taken aback and  offended that Mel has unknowingly badmouthed her favorite show but then she decides to stay calm and be a good host and not send Mel out of her house as much as she wants to right now, as she recalls that miss Avery had wanted her and also asked her to make some friends so she wouldn't be alone for the rest of her life, miss Avery said it as a joke but Gina had taken it upon herself to try and do so.

"So tell me Gina, any reasons why you decided to move out here away from your family?" Mel asks trying to start up a conversation while munching on the chips noisily. Gina again is really offended at the conclusion Mel has drawn up by mentioning her family, what if she didn't have any family and how does she know she moved away from them.

Gina stands up and stares coldly at Mel not caring again about her decision to try and make friends, all she knows right now is that Mel is being unpleasantly annoying. Mel pauses her movements to look at Gina who is now standing and staring at her, her face clearly telling the obvious.

Gina didn't really need to say much and Mel knows she has already crossed her bound. Mel stands up from Gina's chair, walking towards the exit with Gina following behind her without either of them saying a word to each other, then Gina walks past Mel and opens the door before she gets to it while muttering a thanks for coming to Mel, Mel on the other hand walks out the door with a face red from annoyance and embarrassment.

Gina goes back to the couch after shutting the door letting out a sigh of frustration, deep down she knows that was a disaster and she's certain that Mel would never dare to come back to her apartment and all hope of  friendship with Mel is lost. 

She lays back on the couch to continue watching her TV show, although she's feeling sad at the turn of events but she has no choice but to be thankful that Mel is now gone and she can bask in the peace and quiet of her small apartment, she already knows she's not a people's person and she can't change that about herself no matter how hard she tries to socialize she just finds herself stuttering and feeling uneasy around people when they crowd her space.

Authors note

Just edited this chapter, I tried not to change it much for people who have read it before.
I'll be doing so while updating , so any chapters I edit there will be this sign ✔ on it so y'all will know.
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