Chapter 9 ✔

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Gina's POV

I can't bring myself to stop thinking about everything that has happened with Jaxon and every time I think about it I can't help the embarrassment and the numerous questions swirling in my head. Why would he ask me to take off my towel, did he really think I'm that easy? Cheap like the whores that he flaunts in the Magazines and papers? I shake the thought away from my head because the more I keep thinking about it the more confuse I become.

"Oye cariño, what's got you so flushed and deep in thoughts?" Marco asks pulling me out of my thoughts as I sigh for the thousandth time now since I've been in kitchen waiting on the dinner Marco is preparing. "What really happened, why did Jaxon actually ban you from cleaning or going to the second floor?" He asks again when I don't answer his first question.

Well apparently Jaxon has told Mr Humphreys to assign me to another floor and I've been asked to take Carla's station which is the first floor, so everyone is itching to hear what exactly I did wrong to make him take matters in his own hands and so far I haven't said anything, I mean  how do I want to explain that I took a shower in Jaxon's bathroom and him asking me to take off my towel knowing fully well that I was wearing nothing underneath.

"Its nothing Marco, I guess he didn't like the way I cleaned his room or something, I really don't know." I lie and with the way he's looking at me, I can tell he doesn't believe me. Infact I wouldn't believe me, I've always been a bad liar and you can tell this because I would look every where else but at you and I sounded funny when I lie.

"Uh-huh, well whatever it is, just don't get fired ok I really like you." He says genuinely and I smile at him in appreciation, his words warming my heart. "Yes Marco thank you." I reply and in that instant my phone rings out, I take it out of my uniform's pocket to see that it's a call from an unknown caller. I frown slightly trying to pinpoint who the caller could be, but I still hit the answer button anyway.

"Hello this is Gina, and who am I unto please?"
"Gina, this is Mel your neighbor. I just called to tell you that there has been a fire outbreak at our apartment building. So we've been asked to evacuate, I think you should come and see if there are any of your stuffs you can salvage."  Mel reply hastily. "What!!! Mel is this a prank or something?" I ask bewilderedly.

"Oh please Gina, who would want to prank your stuck up self, I got better things to do with my time. Just be thankful I called because no one even knew you well enough or bothered to inform you."  Mel spits out maliciously  hanging up at once not even giving me a chance to reply.
Well I guess I deserved that. The gravity of Mel's words dawn on me as tears falls freely from my eyes, before I even realize it I'm already sobbing.

"Qué es el problema querido?" Marco asks in concern and immediately rushes over to my side. "What's wrong Gina? Talk to me." Marco continues while I sob more and just then Mr Humphreys walk into the kitchen. "What's going on here?" He asks and
Marco tells him how I received a call and just started crying. Carla and Lauren walk in while Marco is still talking to Mr Humphreys.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Lauren asks as she and Carla come closer to me with looks of concern and sitting on the counter stools next to me, with me in the middle.

"I-I just got a call from one of my neighbors saying my apartment building caught fire and we've been asked to evacuate.... And honestly I don't even know if I still have any personal belongings left." I explain bursting into another fit of sobs while Lauren and Carla do their best to comfort me while Mr Humphreys and Marco are talking in hushed tones at a corner of the kitchen.

I calm down a bit as Lauren and Carla comfort me, then soon after Marco and Mr humphreys come closer to where we are seated. "I'll arrange for you to be taken to your apartment to check things out and see if there's anything you can salvage and also you'll be brought back here where you'll stay for the night so I'll inform Mr Moore when he's back to see what he can do for you." Mr Humphreys state while I nod and thank him after his done.

"Awwwnn, see how ugly you've become, your face is all puffy and red. Solo eres como un cachorro, tan lindo. (You're just like a puppy, so cute). Marco jokes while pinching my cheeks as I give him a shy smile, although I don't understand what he said in Spanish.

"Marco, can you teach me spanish?" I ask and he looks at me with surprise. "Of course I would love to." He replies with a proud smile.

I'm then chauffeured to my apartment by one of the guards at Jaxon's house and thankfully none of my personal stuff got burnt, just the curtains got burnt and the walls had black burn stains on them. I pack my clothes and every other stuff that I might need into two suitcases and take them downstairs with the help of the guard who drove me here, my furnitures will remain in the apartment for the time being until I figure out what to do with them.

We arrive at Jaxon's house and my suitcases are carried to a room on the first floor which Mr humphreys had told me to stay in for the night by the same guard who drove me to my apartment. I immediately start putting my stuffs away.
After I'm done I take a shower and then decide to lay on the bed to rest for a while.

I jolt from my sleep with sweat beads on my forehead, I had a very frightening nightmare. I didn't even realize when I dozed off on the bed.I look at the clock on the nightstand and it was a couple minutes before midnight and I'm feeling very hungry. Yup I'm a foodie, when I'm happy I eat, when I'm depressed I eat, I eat despite the situation so it's only natural that I feel hunger right now. 

I leave my room, wearing my nightie which consist of a very short pair of shorts that stops right under my butt and a cropped tank top  going downstairs to the kitchen in search of something to eat.
I don't really think much of my outfit because I figure that everyone must've gone to their various houses or are asleep by this time, so I'm pretty much unbothered.

For someone like me who eats a lot I have a really flat stomach and curvy waist making my large butt poke out, some would even say I have a standard hourglass figure but I was called fat and laughed at too many times by my foster family and their friends and even in high school and bit by bit I lost all my self confidence and that's the reason why I don't wear any clothes that don't consist of an oversized hoodie, sweatshirt or t-shirt.

I get to the kitchen and begin my search for food, I open the fridge finding the leftover dinner that Marco prepared, I get a plate dishing out a sizeable quantity. Feeling satisfied I close the fridge moving over to microwave the food I just dished out, only to find Jaxon standing at the kitchen doorway staring at me with a scowl on his face as I jump in fear nearly dropping the plate of food I was holding.

I immediately place the plate on the counter holding my chest and taking deep breaths. What the actual hell!!!???
Why does he keep doing this to me.

Author's note

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Love y'all 😘😘

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