Chapter 3 ✔

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Third person's POV

The car ride to Gina's apartment is  torturously slow and awkwardly silent, with the both of them in their own worlds. Jaxon keeps an expressionless face while Gina's face is twisted into a scowl. When they arrive at Gina's apartment building, Gina unbuckles her seat belt and mumbles out a thank you to Jaxon as she gets out of the car and enters her apartment building, Jaxon waits until Gina is safely inside before speeding off.

Gina walks into her tiny but cozy apartment after unlocking her door and lets out a sigh, she goes to her bedroom takes off her clothes and proceeds to the bathroom to take a warm and relaxing shower, after her shower she enters her kitchenette to reheat her dinner of mac and cheese  from last night which she stored in her tiny fridge.

After dishing out the food into a plate she makes her way to her tiny living room and turn on the TV to enjoy her serenity for the rest of the evening. A few minutes into her dinner and TV show her phone beeps, she picks it up  to see a notification of a new mail, she opens it and reads through it.

It was mail from one of the houses which she submitted her credentials to telling her to come for an interview session the next day as a cleaner. Gina exclaims happily as she gets up and does a funny dance from sheer excitement before sitting back down and finishing her dinner, cleaning up and then goes to prepare for her interview tomorrow with a smile stuck on her face the whole time even and when she goes to bed.

Gina locates the address of the house that had invited her over for an interview the previous night, as she alights from the cab that brought her to the house, she becomes a nervous wreck but she tries her best to rein in her nervousness, the house is not very far from where she lives so the commute isn't going to be much of a biggie. 

Dressed in her usual wears that consists of an oversize T-shirt or hoodie and jeans or leggings, but today she's spotting an oversize T-shirt and leggings and her scruffy looking converse.

As Gina enters the huge gate and comes face to face with the humongous mansion she is staring awestruck at the massive building as she's walking towards it, Gina jerks when she hears a throat being cleared behind her.

While lost in the intricate beauty in front of her she didn't pay attention to her surrounding, she comes face to face with a middle aged man with bald head and a short round figure, she greets him and introduces herself to him and tells him the reason she's here, then the man who Gina assumes to be a butler because of the uniform he has on and his posture then  confirming her assumptions he tells her he's the butler and he also tells her his name.

Mr Humphreys the butler leads Gina into the mansion, taking her into what looks like a study and instructs her to sit that a certain Mr Moore will be with her shortly and walks away to the exit of the room shutting the door behind him.

Gina takes in her surrounding, noticing how there are bookshelves up against two walls out of the four walls in the room facing each other, it reached the tall ceiling and books of different kinds filled them up, there is also a desk made of rich oak wood at one side of the room with files at one end and an apple computer placed slantly at the other end leaving the centre of the table bare,with an expensive looking leather office chair behind it backing the wall made of glass that overlooks the garden in the vast yard.

It's a really captivating view and Gina couldn't help but move closer to admire it, lost in her world as she stares at the magnificent view down below and in front of her. A throat clears behind her causing her to freeze up at the thought of being caught ogling the house again, she mentally curse herself for getting carried away too many times.

She turns around unprepared for the wave of shock that hits her as her eyes meet with the same pair of blazing green ones that was already set and staring at her, it feels like the air is being knocked out of her as she stands at her spot frozen and looking open mouthed at the captivatingly handsome stranger that almost hit her with his car the previous day.

"Ja-jaxon?" she breaths out barely loud enough for him to hear, while Jaxon moves to sit behind his desk,she quickly gets out of her stunned state rushing to the other end of the room to stand beside the seat where Mr Humphreys had previously asked her to sit.

"It's Mr Moore to you, and you are?" Jaxon say confidently and quite cockily with a cold stare.

"'m Regina...Regina Hernandez." Gina stutters as Jaxon looks down on his table opening a file and looking through it, presumably it's her file she thinks to herself as she follows his movements with her eyes.

"So Regina, you're here for the position of a cleaner, do you have any experience in cleaning?" He asks as he looks up from the file to stare expectantly at her.

" Um...yes sir, I do. I have 2 years experience as I stated in my file that I submitted yesterday." She speaks up with her fingers tucked together in front of her.

"Ok then, you can start tomorrow. You're to resume by 9am and you'll leave by 6pm, your lunch and presumably dinner will be taken care of by the chef, and you'll be given a uniform and assigned to your place of duty by the butler whom I assume you've met. Also you'll be paid weekly and you'll have the weekends off. I think that'll be all, so any questions miss Hernandez?" He says while staring intently at her.

Gina shakes her head nervously, then Jaxon waves his hand in dismissal and turns to his computer typing away, Gina turns towards the exit to leave but with lots of questions swirling in the mind as she asks herself how Jaxon turned ice cold overnight.

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