Chapter 23 ✔

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Jaxon's POV

I awake to the feeling of hot breath fanning my face, I open my eyes as they meet with Regina's sleeping face directly in front of mine breathing evenly with our bodies tangled up in each other. I stare at her for a couple of minutes taking in her angelic beauty before reluctantly untangling myself from her as I sit up on the bed.

I pick up my phone from the nightstand flicking it on and glancing at the time which read 7:10 and also noticing some pop up notifications of messages and calls from Marco and work. I sigh deeply running my fingers through my thick hair as I flick it back off putting it on charge and standing up to get dressed.

Since I didn't bring any clothes I wear the jeans, polo shirt and the pair of vans I wore yesterday, taking my car keys and placing a kiss on Regina's forehead before heading out of the bedroom.

I make a quick stop at the kitchen in search of anything that I could make breakfast with or eat for breakfast and not so surprisingly enough I find boxes of cereals and snacks in the cabinets and a bottle of milk which I'm pretty sure is spoilt by now and eggs, bottles of soda, water and cans of beer in the fridge.

I chuckle to myself as I walk out making a mental note to pick up groceries also as I shop for something to wear. I drive for a couple of minutes before coming across a shopping mall, I park at the parking lot and walk into the building moving towards the men's clothing section, I pick up some casual beach outfits and some sweat shirt and pants and some underwear.

After shopping for clothes I go grocery shopping, picking almost every food into the shopping cart. After being sure I'm done shopping for all the essentials, I make my way out the mall but pause when something in the female's clothing section catches my attention.

I behold a beautiful two piece swim suit which I immediately buy for Regina with a smug smile on my face and lustful thoughts in my head, I can't wait to see her in it.

A very cheesy smile is plastered on my face all through my drive back to the beach house as thoughts of Regina and all I have in store for her keeps running through my mind as I impatiently drive through the road leading to the beach house.

After parking my car, I alight taking the things I bought from the backseat before making my way inside the house. I set the things I got down on the kitchen counter before going over to the bedroom to check on Regina.

I didn't find her sleeping on the bed so I figured she is somewhere around the house as I call out for her, getting no response back I proceed to check the bathroom, I open the door to the bathroom to see her soaking in the bathtub with her eyes closed. I smile to myself moving closer to her.

"Hey babe." She says with her eyes still closed and with her lips curving into a slight smile as I sit at the edge of the tub.

"Hey cupcake, did you sleep well?" I ask caressing the side of her face as her eyelids flutter open exposing the pair of mesmerizing gray eyes that always seems to suck me into it's depth whenever I look into them, capturing me completely.

"Yes I did...." She hums out with a tired sigh, closing her eyes again. "Sorry for not answering you earlier when you called out to me, I was too tired."

"It's fine. What's wrong...are you ill or coming down with something?" I ask furrowing my brows and my voice laced with worry as I place my palm on her forehead to feel her temperature.

"Yeah, I woke up feeling feverish so I decided to run a lukewarm bath for myself, and I think it's working." She replies taking in a deep breath and then releasing it loudly.

"By the way, where were you? I didn't see you when I woke up." She asks raising her droopy lids to look at me.

"I actually went to the mall, I went to shop for groceries and some clothes." I say caressing her exposed thigh that isn't covered up in lather as she closes her eyes and a small mixture of a sigh and a moan escape her lips.

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