Chapter 31 ✔

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Gina's POV

I can feel myself floating in a never ending void of darkness as I try to call for help but all that comes back to me is a repeated echo of my own voice.
'Where am I, Where is Jaxon and everybody?' I cry to myself, but then suddenly as if the heavens heard my cry, a crack of light filters through and I hear faint voices around me, I squint my eyes to look through, and then suddenly as if being pulled out of cave, my eyelids open up slowly as my eyes try to adjust to the brightness around me.

I groan in pain as I try to move my body and then suddenly someone shuffles beside me.

"Oh my God, Regina..." I hear Jaxon's shaky voice as I try to turn to his direction.

"You're okay baby... Don't move, I'll get the doctor" he says before dashing out of the room screaming for the doctor.

A few moments later a blonde average height woman wearing a doctor's outfit and not looking older than 35 follows Jaxon into the room with a smile on her face.

"Hello miss Hernandez, I'm doctor Aubrey your attending doctor and you've been in a coma for two weeks now due to the shock and stress from your kidnapping and also because you're pregnant and it's a miracle the baby is doing fine." She says and I'm confused about the last part as I scrunch my brows.

"P-pregnant? I'm pregnant?" I ask stunned.

She chuckles lightly before glancing over at Jaxon who is seated by my side on the hospital bed.

"Seems you didn't know as well, well ma'am you're now five weeks gone and I'm glad the baby survived all the stress and trauma you went through. I must say that little one is a fighter." She chuckles.

"Let me check your vitals, so I can give you both privacy because it seems you both have a lot to discuss." She gives us both a knowing glance before moving closer to me and doing her thing.

"Congratulations to the both of you by the way." She says with a cheery smile before walking out.

"How are you feeling baby?" Jaxon asks immediately the doctor leaves.

"I'm fine... I guess." I let out a sigh. "Honestly, I don't know how I feel. The last thing I remember is following Julio the construction worker to a van to get some more supplies for the work at the club site, immediately I get in the van with him I completely black out. I don't remember anything else."

Jaxon is looking at me like he's the cause of everything and my heart aches for what he might have had to go through with everything that has happened.

"Baby you need the rest.. And the doctor said because of the shock you went through you have temporary amnesia on the events of your kidnap so everything will come back in due time. Just don't push it or stress yourself." He says as he strokes my hair gently.

"Jaxon can you tell me what exactly happened?" I ask gently.

He looks at me hesitantly and shuts his eyes tight as if restraining himself, before letting out a sigh.

"All I can say for now babe, is that you were kidnapped by kyle and..." He pauses clenching his teeth before running his hand through his hair in a distressed manner.

"He did things to you... Things I don't want you to remember...Things even I want to erase from my memory. I just.... It's really hard for me to say to you right now cupcake. Just rest ok?"

"What things Jaxon?" I ask softly, afraid of the things I might hear. Afraid of the things wiped out from my memories.

"Drop it Regina... Please." Jaxon says through clenched teeth, and I can see the storm in his eyes as unshed tears well up in them.

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