Chapter 29 ✔

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Gina's POV

I had really hoped for Jaxon's mom to be kind and accepting but who am I kidding, excessively rich people are snubs and I thought Jaxon's mom would be different. She has been calling me all sorts of names and I have been quiet not because I'm at loss of what to say or stupid but for the fact that I'm trying to respect her because of Jaxon.

I strip off my clothes as soon as I enter the bathroom to have a soak in the tub to at least keep myself occupied before Jaxon returns. I have forgotten how big and beautiful his room is and how everything here seems to be green with little touches of white.

A smile makes it's way onto my face as I reminisce on old times and that one time when I took a bath here and Jaxon caught me and went all alpha male on me asking me to strip and then to get out.It's been quite an experience for both of us.

I let out a sigh as the warm water hits my skin, I relax further into the tub of scented water and close my eyes to help me ease off the stress from my body.

I hear a knock on the door and I jerk up immediately in panic mood that Jaxon's mom is back to continue terrorizing me. I take a couple of seconds to breath in and out, calming my nerves and rinsing my body before getting out of the now barely hot water, grabbing a bath robe as I quickly make my way to the door.

My heart skips a beat when I open the door to see Jaxon's mom at the door with a frown etched on her face and I let out a sigh. She walks into the room not sparing me another glance and takes a seat on the arm sofa in the room.

"Is there anything I can help you with ma'am?" I ask with a soft smile hoping she'll change with a little niceness.

She looks up at me with disdain and speaks. "I know your type, you are just with my son for his money." She spits coldly making me sigh again before taking a seat on the bed facing her.

"Look Mrs Moore, you don't know me and I don't know much about you but for you to assume I'm with your son for money is far fetched and quite frankly very low coming from someone like you. I don't know why you don't like me but that's too bad because your son has been the one all over me and he doesn't seem to think I'm with him for money and I'm sure you know your son is not a child." I say matter of factly and she scoffs.

"How much?" She asks and I frown, confused.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask befuddled.

"How much to leave my son alone, you fat whore." She stands up pointing her manicured finger at me.

No no no she didn't just say that, I think to myself suddenly feeling all my restraints go loose as I stand up also to face her.

"Look here you sorry excuse of a mother, do not. I repeat do not call me names again, I've taken enough of your bullshit since I got here, you have no right to insult me so I'll advice you to refrain from doing so if you don't want to lose your son." I pause watching her eyes bulge in shock and her face heat up in anger.

"I have Jaxon wrapped around my finger, don't make me tell him to throw you out. He has told me everything you did to him and how he already hates you, don't make me give him a reason to hate you more. I believe I've been nice enough and you ought to treat me with the respect I deserve and also I don't need your money I earn well enough to take care of myself so take your godforsaken money and shove it up your stuck up ass." I hiss seethingly making her shake lightly in fear.

"You.. You.. Urgghhh." She groans feeling defeated and stomps out of the room and shuts the door loudly and I fall back on the bed with a huff.

I don't know if I went too far and I honestly don't care, she went too far and I only gave her what she deserves. A few minutes went by with me just lying down on the bed before I drift off into peaceful slumber.

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