Chapter 16 ✔

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Gina's POV

I stand inside my fancy walk in closet arranging and sorting my clothes, I haven't had the time to do so for weeks now with the work load in the club. I stumble across Jaxon's card in the purse I had on me during the opening night of the club as I I'm looking through it to clear whatever is inside.

It's been five days now since my encounter with Jaxon at the club and I haven't called him yet and I know he will be anticipating my call, I deliberately left him hanging as punishment for what he put me through five years ago. I take out the card and smile as a naughty thought pops into my head.

Today I decide to take the night off from the club and let Kari take charge, in fact she was the one who suggested I did so as she said and I quote 'You need to take life easy, and overworking yourself is not an ideal way of living life.' And she was right so I agreed to take the night off and have some time for myself.

I decide to give Jaxon's number a call to take him up on that 'friendly' dinner date. "Hello, am I on to Jaxon Moore please?" I say biting my lip nervously.
"Yes speaking and who am I speaking with?"
" is Gina." I mentally face palm myself for stuttering, I mean what am I 20?

He chuckles, that deep velvet laughter that makes my insides turn to jelly. "Are you finally free miss Hernandez?" He teases and I blush instantly, thank heavens he can't see me.
"Well supposedly I am are you still up for the 'friendly dinner date'?"

"I'll come pick you up by 7pm today, wear something sexy." His voice low and sexy making me drip into my panties. He hangs up before I can ask how he's going to pick me up when he doesn't know where I live. Well I'm open to any surprises. I finish sorting out my closet and clean my apartment and settle down to watch TV which I haven't done in a long while.

I'm in the kitchen making a sandwich when I hear my doorbell ring. I move over to door to open it, and in comes crazy ass Rina screaming 'bitchhhhh' in her lemon colour nylon like top tucked into a white flowery designed pencil skirt and a pair of silver stilettoes, her make up and hair looking flawless. She is practically looking and smelling like thousands of dollars, she's a manager at a very fancy and prestigious hotel so she earns pretty damn well and coupled with the fact that she comes from money.

In fact her brother is one of club Hernandez major investors, that's one of the benefits of having a rich bestie after all. "And what are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be at work?" I ask raising one of my eyebrows.

"Well I took a break to come break a very sweet and juicy good news to you." She replies sashaying her way into my living room and taking a seat on the couch. I go back to the kitchen and finish making my sandwich also adding hers and poured 2 glasses of juice and make my way to my living room to find her flipping the channels with a bored expression.

"So what is this juicy good news please?" I ask nonchalantly munching on my sandwich as she gives me a disgusted look and rolls her eyes at me muttering fat foodie ass bitch.
And I roll my eyes back at her.

"Well... I met this yummy, too freaking hot to be allowed to walk the streets of NY looking man in the hotel where I work, and apparently he's the boss or not exactly the boss but the underboss of the hotel and he invited me to dinner tonight." She gushes out excitedly.

"Ooh...ok bitcchhhh, I see you..... Well guess what?? Remember Jaxon, the guy I told you about....I called him up today and we're going out for dinner tonight." I explain and her face lights up like a tree on a Christmas eve as she begins to clap. "Fucking about time, you've been single ever since I've known you and you're a virgin at 25 I mean who the fuck is still a virgin at 25 in this day and age." I roll my eyes at her and continue eating my sandwich.

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