Part 13- Wedding

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The weather was beautiful as it synced with the mood on that beautiful day. The flowers were blooming charmingly all around the city and creating various fragrances in the air. They decorated the whole city to celebrate the important day of those two noble families. Various decorations filled around the Favonius Cathedral as the citizens of Mondstadt started to gather outside the holy building. Some of them were dancing to the music played by the fellow musicians lead by Venti in front of the gigantic Barbatos' statue.

Albedo was standing in front the tall stairs. "Big brother Albedo!" He turned his head and found Klee was running towards him. She was wearing a cute pink gown with a colourful flower crown on her head.

Albedo smiled at his sister and lowered himself. "Klee, are you ready to be the best flower girl for today?"

"Always ready!" she happily said while jumping. "Sister Sucrose already picked up some flowers for me to throw," she said while turning to Sucrose who were walking towards them while holding a bucket of various types of flowers.

Albedo stood up and greeted her. "Since everyone's here, it's better for us to get inside and wait for them," Albedo said while offering his arms at Klee and picked her up. Sucrose nodded and they walked inside the cathedral.


Jean was standing in front of the big mirror, staring at her own reflection. Someone was knocking at the door and she turned her head as the door creaked open. "Mother," she smiled at the woman who just entered the room.

Frederica smiled at her daughter. "Knowing you, I almost thought it's impossible to see you in this gown," she spoke up. "It seems like it was yesterday I held you in my arms," she continued. Tears started to pool in her eyes. "You were crying and asking for me to hold you all the time. It's like you are too scared to let go of my hands. I was anxious of how you're going to grow up if you could not walk on your own," she stopped. "But look at you now. I can't believe my firstborn is already a grown woman, a great leader of a nation and most importantly, a beautiful bride," she sniffled between the words.

"Oh mother," Jean walked to her and held her hands.

"I couldn't be prouder of you," Frederica continued. She held tight her daughter's hands. "You're going to be wife now. You're going to start a new life, a new journey." She then held Jean's cheek.

Jean lowered her head. "Do you think this marriage wil-" she stopped.

"Jean, whatever happened between me and your father was because of our own selfishness and mistakes. We were young and foolish. And it was only between the both of us," Frederica said. "This is your marriage, your new life. If you're going to walk this path with the person you love and treasure the most, hand in hand, I'm sure the both of you will be fine. Just, don't make the same mistakes like I did," she reassured her daughter while giving her a motherly smile.

Tears were running down from Jean's beautiful eyes. "Thank you, mother," she said before hugging her mother. The door was knocked and it opened.

"You're going to ruin your makeup, Jean," Lisa smiled at the mother and daughter. Frederica chuckled and turned to Barbara was standing beside Lisa. She walked towards her younger daughter and gave her a warm hug.

"Let's do some quick touch up. We need to get ready in ten minutes," Barbara announced.



Diluc turned his gaze from the mirror to the man who just entered the room. "A bit," he simply replied. He turned his head back to the mirror and looked at his own reflection once again.

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