Part 16- Lost

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"And... she was stabbed," Kaeya lowered his face and stared onto the floor. He closed his eyes, remembering the incident.

The mission was simple. Wipe out the treasurer hoarders' main base and they were not too far from the city. Few main captains and their squads joined this mission as it was an important mission for them. And that included Jean and Varka himself.

"As we can see from the map here, their main base isn't that far now," Kaeya spoke up as they had a little meeting in middle of the forest. Varka nodded as response.

Jean took a sit on a big log as she felt a little dizzy. Probably because of the long walk. "Are you okay?" Eula asked her before handing her a bottle of water. Jean thanked her and took the bottle.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit dizzy," Jean simply replied. "But, there's no need to worry," she reassured the captain.

"It's better for you to rest up a bit before we continue moving," Eula patted her back. Jean smiled and took a rest.

A moment later, a knight came up to them. "Master Varka, we've looked up around the base. It's clear for us to go now," he informed the Grand Master.

Varka nodded. "We should get going now,"

As they arrived the base, they were surrounded by the enemies. Varka tried to consult with their leaders but they refused and started to attack them. Jean drew her sword and swung it with her wind skill and blew away the enemies in front of her. She turned to her back as she felt another attack was approaching her and quickly dodged by sliding down on the ground.


She blinked a few times to stabilize herself. 'This is not the time to feel dizzy' she thought to herself. She was confident with her skills to defeat the enemies. She drew a strong wind whirl towards her enemies and they caught into the wind whirl before they were sent flying across the land.


She shook her head and blinked a few times to get her focus back. "Jean!" Eula pushed her away from where she stood and countered a back attack with her big claymore. Jean softly fell on the ground and grabbed tight her sword. "Jean! If you're unwell, please stay away from here. We don't want anything bad happened to you!" Eula told her as she drew her cryo skill through her claymore and hit the enemies.

Jean had no choice but to agree. She couldn't focus on her battle at all. She felt so tired and dizzy and... useless. She stood up and started to flee from the battlefield when suddenly...

"Jean! Your back!" Kaeya screamed at her from a far. She quickly turned and tried to dodge the attack from her back but she was a second late. Soon, she felt a really sharp pain in her stomach and her back. A long sharp blade pierced perfectly right under her abdomen.

Blood started to rush out from the pierced place and her mouth. Her vision started to turn black and she lost her balance. She couldn't think anything else other than the life in her belly. 'My... child' she fell down on the muddy ground.


Jean slowly opened her eyes and adjusted the lights around her. Her vision was blurry at first but she heard mumbles beside her. Her vision soon focused on the long red-haired man who was talking quietly to another person in front of him. She felt his gripping hand on hers.

"Diluc-" she then felt a sharp pain in her stomach and lowly groaned.

"Jean!" Diluc called her out. "Don't move much. You'll hurt yourself,"

Jean laid herself back on the bed and frowned, trying to remember what happened. Her eyes widened and quickly put her hand on her stomach. Fears sketched on her pale face. "D-Diluc... our-" she stopped.

Diluc's face turned gloomy. He lowered his head. He felt an unbearable pain in his heart. He lifted up his face and Jean noticed tears started to form in his eyes. She stared at him in disbelief. Tears started to form in her blue eyes while she clenched her wounded stomach.

They had lost their child.

"Master Jean..." the doctor in front of them spoke up. "I need to report your condition," he nervously looked at her. He cleared his throat as he hesitated to continue to report the distress news. "After you had been stabbed right in the stomach, I'm so sorry to say this, but we have to remove your child as the sharp blade pierced right through them and they-," he stopped, not wanting to finish that sentence. He took as deep breath. "Died. And we also... had to remove your womb as it was badly damaged by the sharp blade to the point we couldn't even fix it. I'm so sorry for you lost..."

Jean felt like the time had stopped around her. She couldn't hear whatever the doctor was saying. Her ears were ringing in her head. She stared into her palms as her eyes turned blurry by the pooling tears.

She not only lost her child... but also can't get pregnant ever again. She slowly turned to look at Diluc. Fears and shocked took all over her mind. Her biggest fear had become her greatest nightmare. And it was only one.

He won't be able to have an heir with her.

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