Chapter 11

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Next day, Rachel arrived at school without Quinn by her side.  Rachel was a little nervous, Quinn hadn't answered any of her texts that morning.  She hated not being in the loop and wanted, no, she needed to know what was happening.  Rachel arrived at her locker grabbing her books for her first few classes of the day.  "Hey Rachel."  Rachel looked to her right to see Finn "The Quarterback" Hudson standing next to her.

"What do you want Finn?" Rachel asked turning her attention back to her books.  "Didn't you get my text message last night?  I told you we need to talk, about us."  Finn said.  "Yes, I got your text message, but I chose to ignore it.  Also, there is no us, so there is nothing for us to talk about." Rachel said shutting her locker.  "Look, I'm sorry that I said you deserved getting slushied by the guys on the football team.  But you need to understand, I am always looking out for you, even if I'm not right next to you." Finn explained.  "Oh yeah?  Where were you when the barrage of slushies happened?  Were you the one to help me get cleaned up?  Make me feel better after they called me all sorts of horrible names?"  Finn opened his mouth to speak but Rachel cut him off.  "No, you weren't.  In fact you only made me feel worse.  It hurts that I couldn't count on my boyfriend to stand up and protect me.  Instead, I've had to rely on Jessie and Quinn."  

"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me, let's talk about you're relationship with Quinn." Finn said rather aggressively.  Rachel started to walk away, but Finn blocked her path.  "Finn, please get out of my way."  "No.  We need to talk about this.  You're relationship with Quinn needs to end.  Can't you see that she's using you?"  Rachel scoffed at Finn's choice of words.  "Quinn is my friend!"  "That's what you think, but it's not true.  She's the one who told the football players to slushy you."  Rachel shook her head, "No!  She wouldn't do that."  "She's done it in the past. Not to mention, I was in the locker room with all of them when she asked them to do that. What makes you think she wouldn't?" Finn asked.  "I don't believe you Finn.  Now get out of my way!"

"Didn't she tell you she called me last night?" Finn asked as Rachel started to walk away.  "And that she wanted to get back together with me?"  That stopped Rachel in her tracks.  "I told her no, because I have enough respect for you to not break your heart.  But she doesn't care.  Some friend huh?"  With that Finn walked away, leaving Rachel standing in the hallway all by herself with tears in her eyes.

Rachel was in the auditorium later that day.  She had opted for being by herself instead of having lunch with her friends, and she really wasn't interested in seeing Quinn, or Finn.  She was sitting at the piano playing moonlight sonata when her thoughts were interrupted.  A figure sat down next to her and Rachel noticed that it was Quinn out of the corner of her eye.  "Moonlight Sonata.  You play it really well." Quinn said smiling at her friend.  Rachel didn't respond, she didn't even look at her.  "So I was thinking, that maybe we could do another movie night this weekend.  If you don't have any plans that is."  Rachel still didn't respond or look at Quinn.  Quinn now realized something was bothering her, "Rachel..... Rachel, what's wrong?"  "I don't know.  Why don't you tell me."

Quinn was completely puzzled, "I don't think I understand...."  "If you want to play that game, then go away!  I really don't want to talk to you."  Quinn now realized that Rachel was mad at her.  "What, why?  What did I do?"  "Is it true?  Did you tell the football team to slushy me and call me all those horrible slurs?"  Quinn was completely taken aback, "NO!  I would never..... why would you.... who told you that?"  "Finn did!  He told me he was in the locker room when you were in there!"  "Rachel please look at me!  It's not true!  I did not tell those apes to slushy you!"  Rachel didn't look at her and just shook her head,  "He also said that you called him last night.  Said that you wanted to get back together with him."  Now Quinn was pissed.  "Rachel it's not...."  "Quinn please just leave me alone.  I need some time to myself right now."  Quinn didn't respond.  She just nodded picked up her bag and walked away.  She needed to find Finn.

Quinn found Finn in the lunchroom sitting with the rest of the glee club.  "Finn!" "Hey Quinn." Finn responded.  "Quinn, you seen Rachel?" Jessie asked.  "She's in the auditorium, and she really doesn't want to bothered right now and it's all your fault Fidiot!" she about yelled.  "Me?!  What did I do?" Finn asked rather confused.  "Did you tell Rachel I told the football team to slushy her?  And did you tell her that I called you saying I wanted to get back together?" All eyes went on Finn as everyone waited for his response.  "I just told her the truth."  Finn responded.  "Which would be what, exactly?" Mercedes asked.  "That Quinn told the football players to slushy Rachel.  And that you want to get back together with me." Finn said pointing to Quinn.

"YOU'RE A LIAR!!!!  I never told you that and I never told the football team to slushy Rachel!"  Quinn yelled.  "I can assure you I'm not lying.  Rachel needs to know the truth about you.  You're sill focused on causing her harm and making her life complete living hell."  "Rachel is my friend.  I would never hurt her!"  "Quinn, you of all people should know you can't cure bitch!"  Jaws dropped not just at their table, but a few others around them.  Quinn clenched her fists and would have punched Finn if not for Jessie stepping up and walking her away.

Later that day, Rachel met Quinn out in the parking lot after cheerios practice.  "Q.  Can we talk for a minute?"  "Yeah Rach."  Rachel sighed, "I'm really, really sorry about earlier in the auditorium.  Given our great friendship and my lack of trust in Finn, I shouldn't have been so quick to believe him." Rachel stated.  Quinn pulled Rachel into a hug, "It's okay."  "No, it really isn't.  You've become one of the best friends I have ever had and I don't want to lose that.  Especially due to the incompetence of Finn Hudson."  Quinn shook her head, "Why were you so quick to believe him?" she asked.

"Because, part of me still thinks that....."  "Thinks what Rach?"  Rachel took in a deep breath and said, "Because part of me still thinks that you hate me.  That I'm dragging you down on the high school social ladder."  "Rachel, I don't...... you really think..... you're not..."  Rachel shook her head, "Quinn it's okay, you don't have to say anything."  Quinn looked Rachel in the eyes, "Well in that case........ actions speak louder than words." Quinn looked down from Rachel's eyes to her lips.  Quickly stepped forward, and leant down, kissing Rachel on her lips.  Rachel's eyes immediately shut at the feeling of Quinn's lips on hers, kissing the blonde back.

  Rachel's eyes immediately shut at the feeling of Quinn's lips on hers, kissing the blonde back

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Quinn is the first to pull away.  Rachel opens her eyes, realizing what's just happened.  Her mouth hanging open in complete shock.  "Oh my god." both girls say in unison.

A/N: This is the best gif I could find given the fact that Quinn is the one who kissed Rachel.

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