Chapter 10

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It had been a few weeks since Rachel had kissed Quinn and while she was worried that Quinn new about the kiss, it really seemed like nothing had changed.  In fact, it seems like the two of them were closer than ever.  The two of them started arriving at school together and leaving together as well.  Quinn would sometimes walk Rachel to her next class of the day, other times Rachel would walk Quinn to her next class.  They would show up to cheerios practice together, and they always sat beside each other during glee club.  It had gotten to the point where their friends were starting to think that there was a lot more going on between them, but none of them knew how to bring it up.

Rachel sat down next to Jessie in their sixth period history class.  The classroom was empty so they had a solid few minutes before the rest of their class came in.  "Rachel.  There's something I want to ask you, I just don't know how." Jessie said.  "Jess, you can ask me anything you want.  So what's up?"  "Okay ummm...... are you dating Quinn?" Jessie asked rather bluntly.

"What?  No....why would you think that?" Rachel asked completely surprised.  "Well..... it's because, lately you guys have been a little 'close' lately, and people are talking." Jessie stated.  "What are they saying?"  "Everyone just thinks you guys are far too close and 'handsy' to be 'just friends'." Jessie explained.  "I can assure you Jess, there's nothing going on between me and Quinn.  We are just really good friends."  Jessie nodded but felt like she still needed to press further.  "Do you want more from Quinn?" Rachel stayed silent and wouldn't look at Jessie.  "Sorry.  I don't mean to press so hard, it's just."  Rachel looked at Jessie, "Just what Jess?"  "It just seems like........ you like her, more than a friend."  

Rachel knew that Jessie could read people really well and was not surprised that she figured out that she had a major crush on Quinn.  "Do you promise not to tell anyone about this?  Especially Quinn?" Rachel asked.  Jessie nodded.  "Okay, so...... a few weeks ago, we were at her house just watching movies and enjoying each other's company.  We both fell asleep watching a movie and before I left..... I kissed her."  Jessie was completely shocked, "YOU, you kissed her?"  "I kissed her on the cheek and she was asleep when I did it." Rachel explains.  "Okay.  So why is this a problem?"  "Because, I'm a bisexual woman and she's a straight woman, we can never be together, and if she finds out that I like her, it'll ruin our friendship." Rachel said.  "You don't know that Quinn's straight, so maybe she feels the same way.  If Quinn is straight, then you don't know if her knowing will ruin your guys' friendship." Jessie told Rachel with all the confidence in the world.

"So do you think I should tell Quinn?" Rachel asked.  Before Jessie could answer, the classroom started filling up with students.  "We'll continue this conversation later." Jessie said, Quinn nodded.  

Later that day, Quinn was with Santana and Brittney.  Rachel's dad had to come and pick her up for an appointment so now was the best time for Santana to ask Quinn about her relationship with Rachel.  "Q!" Santana yelled running up to Quinn who was walking down the hallway.  "What is it S?"  "What's up with you and Berry?" Santana asked in her usual blunt manner.  "I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about." Quinn responded.  "Cut the crap Q.  The whole school is talking about how you and the hobbit have gone the gay way."  Quinn scoffed at Santana's choice of words.  "I am not going the gay way Santana.  Rachel and I are just friends.  Now leave it alone and don't bring it up again.  Okay?  This conversation ends now."  With that, Quinn walked to her car and went home.  She was in far too good of a mood to deal with these rumors.

Quinn didn't want to admit it, but she felt like Rachel might like her as more than a friend.  Even more so, she wasn't so sure how she really felt about Rachel.  Both girls had grown to consider each other as best friends over the summer, and since school started back up, their relationship has only grown.  Rachel had developed feelings for Quinn, she knew that she like Quinn, she just feels like she can't and shouldn't tell her.  But, Rachel was unaware that Quinn new that she had been kissed by her.  She hasn't brought it up since she doesn't want things to be awkward between them, and she wasn't going to bring it up out of respect for their friendship.

That same night, Jessie was on the phone with Rachel trying to help her weigh her options on if she should tell Quinn how she really feels.  "What are you're concerns?" Jessie asked.  "Well, on the one hand, if I tell her that I like her and she doesn't feel the same way, it could ruin our friendship.  Then if I don't tell her, I feel like I'll explode." Rachel explained.  "Have you stopped to think that, maybe if you tell Quinn how you really feel, that she might actually be okay about it?  You and I both know that Quinn can be very understanding, at least when the right people are involved." Jessie stated, hearing Rachel sigh on the other end of the phone.  "Rach, if Quinn knows, you guys will still be able to be friends without things being awkward."  "You really think so Jess?" Rachel asked.  "I know so Rach."  "Thanks Jessie."

Before turning in for the night, Rachel's phone beeped.  She saw that she received a text message from Finn.

F: Rach, we need to talk.  Call me.

Rachel decided to disregard Finn's text and drifted off to sleep.

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