Chapter 17

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The next day, Quinn convinced Santana to get out of the house.  Santana wanted to keep to herself, but knew Quinn wasn't going to take no for an answer.  Quinn didn't want Santana to fall into a funk due to recent events.  Rachel suggested for Santana to come along.  The two girls still weren't really friends, but they were at least civil towards each other now.  

Quinn pulled into the driveway and both girls got out of the car.  As they walked towards the house Santana told Quinn she really wasn't interested in being here.  "San, you can't just sit in your room all day and mope.  I did that after I gave up Beth to Shelby.  I'm just glad Rachel kept coming back to get me out of my funk." Quinn told her.  Santana just shrugged as Quinn rang the doorbell.

The door opened and Santana and Quinn were met by a short girl with long brown hair.  "Hi.  Can I help you?" Marley asks them.  "Is Rachel here?" Quinn asks.  Marley takes in Quinn's appearance and realizes who she is.  "You're Quinn right?"  She nods in response and introduces Santana to her.  Marley lets them in and Rachel walks out from the living room.  Her eyes immediately fall on Quinn and Quinn's fall on Rachel.  Both girls hug and give each other a quick kiss.

Rachel didn't realize that Santana was standing there and when she notices her, she looks to Quinn with a panicked look on her face.  "Rach, don't freak out.  Santana knows we're together." Quinn tells her trying to calm her.  "Don't worry Tiny, I know the value of discretion.  You're secret's safe with me." Santana told her.  Rachel relaxed a little.  Her and Santana had become more polite with each other, but she still didn't fully trust her.

Marley and Santana sat down on the couch in the living room while Quinn followed Rachel into the kitchen.  Rachel spun around towards Quinn, "I know Santana's your best friend, but I thought we agreed to keep our relationship a secret." she says giving Quinn a disappointed look.  "I know, I know, we agreed to keep it a secret.  She saw us kiss goodbye last night." Rachel sighs at Quinn's words.  "Also, you didn't seem too worried about Marley seeing us kiss." 

"Marley's like my little sister, I tell her everything.  Also, she doesn't go to our school and she's not a blabbermouth."  Rachel said.  Quinn sighed, she knew that Rachel and Marley were close, but she didn't know they were that close.  Rachel had a feeling that someone was going to figure out her and Quinn's relationship before they were ready to come out, she just didn't think it would happen, let alone this early.

"What do we do?" Rachel asks Quinn.  Quinn steps toward her girlfriend and wraps her arms around her neck.  "Nothing.  San's going to keep our secret, and I'm sure Marley is trustworthy.  I'm sure she'll keep our secret." Quinn told her reassuringly.  "Are you planning on telling Brittany?" Quinn shook her head, "No.  I need to figure out where her and I stand after what she's done to San." Rachel sighed as Quinn pulled her into a hug.  The two pull apart and share a few quick kisses before deciding to get some drinks and snacks.

Santana and Marley were sitting on opposite sides of the couch as Marley flipped through the TV channels.  Marley stops on a channel and turns her attention towards Santana.  "How long have you and Rachel known each other?" she asks her.  Santana shrugged, "I've known of her since freshmen year.  We didn't become acquainted until last year when Quinn, Brittany and I joined glee club." Santana answered.  "Quinn? How long have you known her?"  "The two of us have been friends since grade two, I think." 

"I can't help but notice your bitter tone when you mentioned, Brittany." Marley said.  "It's a bit of a long story, one I'm really not interested in sharing with you.  No offence, but I just met you." Santana told her.  Marley nodded and dropped the subject.

Rachel and Quinn walk out with drinks and some snacks, setting them down on the coffee table.  Rachel and Quinn cuddled up together on the loveseat and the four girls begin watching a movie playing on the channel that Marley had earlier landed on.  The girls sit there and watch the movie for about an hour before Santana brings up a new conversation.

"So, Berry, how are things with Quinnie here going?" Santana asked looking over to the couple.  Quinn glared at her and opened her mouth to respond, but was cut off by Rachel.  "Things are going good with us Santana." she tells Santana.  "San, please don't call me Quinnie.  There are only three people in this world that get to call me that.  My mom, grandmother and Rachie Bear." Quinn told her.

Santana looked over at Rachel, giving her a look that said, "Rachie Bear?  Seriously?" while Marley sat there, stifling her chuckles.  "Quinn?" Quinn looks toward Rachel and sees a questioning look on her face.  "I wanted to come up with a pet name for you.  Do you like it?" she asks the brunette.  Rachel just shrugs and tells her it's okay.  That was enough for Quinn and gave Rachel a kiss on the cheek.  "Ugh!  Could you two stop being gross?" Santana asks.  "They're not gross, they're cute." Marley told Santana.  "Of course, you think that, you're related to Rachel, so you have to think that."  "I do not!  If I think they're gross, I would tell them." Marley responded.

"Whatever.  You guys happy together?" Santana asks both of them.  They both nod and say yes.  "You were probably expecting this Rachel, but if you hurt her, I will hurt you right back." Santana tells her threateningly.  "I promise you Santana, I won't ever do anything to hurt Quinn.  Not in anyway." Rachel promises her.  "Just remember, Quinn's my bestie and I will hurt you if you hurt her."  "Same goes for you Quinn.  You're in for a lot of hurt if you hurt my cousin." Marley says.  "Don't worry Marley.  Your cousin is in good hands." Quinn assures the younger brunette.

The four girls went back to watching the TV and eating snacks until it was time for Quinn and Santana to leave.  Santana gives Rachel and Marley a wave goodbye while Quinn hugs Marley, telling her it was nice to meet her, and then gives Rachel a kiss.  Both girls head back to the Fabray house.

Next Time: Quinn makes plans for Valentine's Day.

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