Chapter 6

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"Those big apes that she calls football players slushied one of my cheerios and ruined a one of a kind cheerleading outfit!  Now, I will freely admit that I am not the biggest fan of Miss Berry here, but since joining cheerios she has been a valued addition to the team.  The fact that this happened is simply outrageous!"  Sue said yelling at, basically the top of her lungs.

Rachel was sat in Principal Figgin's office on the couch next to Quinn and Jessie.  Sue was standing behind the chair that Mr. Shuester was sat in and Coach Beiste was sat in the chair next to him.  "I'm sorry that this happened.  But the glee kids get slushied all the time...." Beiste said.  "The issue here is that she is also a cheerleader."  Sue interrupted.  "Cheerleaders are meant to be completely untouchable from humiliation such as this!"  "Sue, what makes the cheerleaders better than the football players?  Cheerleading isn't even a real sport."  Beiste stated.  Sue was quickly cut of by Will, "What I think Sue is trying to say, is that the football players believe they rule the school and can do whatever they want without any sort of consequence.  Also, I think that if roles were reversed, you'd be just as pissed as Sue and myself are."  Will stated.

Beiste looked over at Rachel, Quinn and Jessie on the couch,  "Rachel, I'm very sorry that this happened.  To be honest, the only way I see this ending is by getting rid of the Big Quench machine."  "That will not be enough!  All of them should be suspended."  Sue stated.  "Sue, I think we can handle this situation without anyone getting kicked out of school.  Coach Beiste, the entire football team will give Rachel an apology at the next glee club meeting and they will all attend Saturday detention until the season is over."  Figgins stated.  Beiste looked over at the girls on the couch once again and sighed, "I think that's more than fair."

After staying quiet for the whole meeting, Quinn finally spoke up, "That's not more than fair!  Sue's half right, the players that took part this should be expelled!"  "Miss Fabray, this arrangement is the best solution.  Expulsion may only occur if there was some sort of horrific offence included."  Figgins explained.  "You mean like a hate crime?"  Rachel's head shot up and her eyes went wide when she heard Quinn make that statement.  She knows full well where Quinn is trying to take this.  "Quinn that's a big accusation to make." Will said.  "But it's true!  Rachel told Jessie and I herself!  Tell them Rachel."  Rachel started to shake due to how uncomfortable she felt.  "Rachel?"  Jessie noticed she had started to shake and put her arm around to try and comfort her.  "Karofsky...." Rachel started to talk, but wasn't sure what to say.  "Karofsky what?"  Figgins asked.  "Karofsky....called me a...."  Rachel gulped and started shaking even more.  "a dyke."  

Rachel broke down once again and Quinn sat back down beside her and hugged her.  "You have to do something about him.  He can't get away with this."  Quinn stated.  "Rachel, I will take care of this immediately.  You have my word."  Figgins said.  "Ladies, you're excused."  Jessie and Quinn had to help Rachel get up off the couch.  They got to the restroom they had been in earlier after Rachel got slushied.  The restroom was empty and they were thankful for that because once the door slammed shut, Rachel walked over to the wall, slid down and started crying uncontrollably.  Quinn knelt down next to her and hugged her tightly.  After about a minute Rachel started to have trouble breathing.  Jessie joined her friends on the floor realizing Rachel was having a panic attack.  "Rachel, hey, slow deep breaths okay?" Jessie said rubbing the brunette's back.  "It's okay Rach, everything's going to be okay."  Quinn whispered.  The girls stayed there until Rachel felt okay to get up.

The rest of the day went uneventful, though Rachel kept her head down most of the day.  She didn't make eye contact with anyone except Quinn and Jessie, she was also very quiet the rest of the day.  She did not say a word to anyone.  Later when school was let out Rachel was about to start walking home when Quinn ran up to her asking if she wanted a ride.  Rachel simply nodded and followed Quinn to her car.  Rachel was quiet for the entire car ride to her place, and when they arrived, Quinn leaned over and gave her what felt like her ten thousandth hug.  Rachel got out of the car without a word and waved bye at Quinn before she walked inside her house.  Rachel spent the entire night in room ignoring all phone calls and texts from everyone.

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