Chapter 14

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December and Christmas break came and went by fast.  As did the new year.  Quinn and Rachel have been dating for just over a month now, and both girls couldn't be happier.  Rachel had come out to Quinn as bisexual a few months ago, and at first, she thought it was a mistake.  Now she knows it was the right choice, because she couldn't be happier.  She was still unsure about wanting everyone to know about their relationship, but for now she likes having Quinn all to herself.

Quinn had liked Rachel for a while, well before they even got together.  She's so happy that she has Rachel all to herself and not to anyone else.  Quinn remembers the day Rachel came out to her, and while she was proud of Rachel, she was beyond ecstatic that there was at least, a sliver of a chance that she can reciprocate her own feelings.  Quinn knew how she felt about the brunette, but she still felt a bit uneasy.  First, she had been raised to view homosexuality as wrong, so now being in a relationship with another girl was odd, but to her it felt right.  Second, she wasn't sure if being with Rachel makes her gay or bi/pan.  But in all honesty, she doesn't care, because she's never been happier.  

Sadly, both girls were unable to spend Christmas and New Years with each other.  Rachel stayed in Lima with her dads and Quinn ended up going to California with her mother for the holidays.  Both girls missed each other's presence deeply, but it was mitigated somewhat by both girls video chatting almost every day.  There was maybe one or two days when the girls didn't get to video chat with each other, but they made up for it by talking for an extra hour the next night to make up for it.  

Finn had tried to talk to Rachel a number of times during school and break, but Rachel didn't engage the tall boy.  She knew full well that Finn was going to try to get her to ditch Quinn and run back into his arms.  Finn has hated the fact that Quinn and Rachel made up and were able to form a friendship since that summer they went to a concert together.  He hates the idea that Rachel can be dependent on someone that isn't himself.  Finn entered the new year with the mentality of, "If I can just get Rachel away from Quinn, everything will be perfect again."  He promised himself that he would get Rachel back, and if he has to destroy Quinn to do it, so be it.

It was the first day back from winter break and the new semester started out okay for Rachel.  Rachel had walked into school disappointed that she wouldn't get to see Quinn until the next day.  The blonde had texted her telling her that her flight was delayed and wasn't going to be back in Lima for the first day of school.  Rachel had made it through the first half of the school day without any problems.  She missed Quinn, but she knew there wasn't much she could do about it.

It was lunch time and Rachel sat in the auditorium at the piano, idly playing a tune in her head.  She was in the moment, swaying back and forth to the music that was coming from the piano, until her eyes were covered and she couldn't see anything.  She was about to turn around thinking it's Puck when, "Miss me baby?"

Rachel turned around and standing there was her beautiful girlfriend Quinn.  "QUINN!" Rachel jumped up pulling her into a massive hug.  Once both girls had broken apart, Rachel sat back down, joined by Quinn.  "What were you playing?" Quinn asks her.  "Just something random in my head." Rachel responds shrugging.  Rachel starts playing the tune in her head again with Quinn swaying back and forth with her.

After Rachel started playing another tune, Quinn lowered her head resting it on Rachel's shoulder.  Rachel kept playing the slower, calmer melody, enjoying her girlfriend's presence.  Quinn then moved her hand that wasn't sitting on Rachel's leg and started poking Rachel in the stomach.  "Quinn? What are you doing?"  Quinn didn't respond, instead she started lightly dancing her fingertips against her girlfriend's stomach.  Rachel squirmed at the ticklish feeling.  "Quinn, don't do that! That tickles!" Rachel said giggling.  Quinn smirked, "Oh does it now?"

Quinn then began tickling her girlfriend aggressively.  Rachel was squirming and laughing hysterically, she kept saying no in between laughs.  Rachel leans back and ends up falling off the piano bench, pulling Quinn down with her.  Both girls are now lying on the stage, giggling and laughing as Quinn continues to tickle Rachel in the stomach and her sides.  Quinn eventually lets up and is hovering over the brunette as she lays on the stage.  She looks up and sees Quinn staring down at her.  Quinn looks down at Rachel, those beautiful hazel brown eyes, that beautifully shaped nose and those lips.  Those lips, Quinn couldn't take it anymore and had to feel Rachel's lips on hers for the first time in over a month.

Quinn leans down and connects her lips to Rachels.  Rachel sees Quinn leans down towards her and knows what's coming.  When Quinn connected their lips, Rachel slams her eyes shut, deflating into the kiss.  Quinn then licked Rachel's lips asking for entrance which Rachel was all too happy to grant.  Quinn maneuvered herself so that she was laying on top of Rachel as both battled for control.  After a few minutes, Quinn leaned up separating their lips.  Both girls stare at each other with huge smiles on their faces.  "Uhm, Quinn?"  "Yeah Rach?"  "Your hands are on my boobs."  Quinn looked at her position on top of Rachel, realizing that her hands were indeed on Rachel's boobs.  "Oh, yeah.  I guess they are." Quinn giggled.  "Can you get off me?  We need to get to class."  Rachel says after hearing the bell ring.

Quinn leaned down and gave Rachel a quick peck on the lips before helping the brunette off the ground. "I'll meet you by your locker once school's over." Rachel whispers in Quinn's ear.  She gives Quinn a quick kiss on her cheek, grabs her stuff and happily skips out of the auditorium.  Quinn couldn't help but smile.

Unknown to both girls, they were not alone in the auditorium.  There was someone in the upper balcony, that saw the entire thing from start to finish.  They walk out of the upper balcony after Quinn vacates the auditorium.  "For right now, it's best neither of them knows I was here." They thought to themself.  

Author's Note:

I'm currently working on a few more stories and I have been fighting some writer's block which is why I haven't updated this story recently.

The new story I'm working on is another Faberry story, focusing on Goth Rachel and Nerd Quinn.  Keep an eye out if that sounds like something that interests you.  I'll get it published once the first few chapters are done.

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