Chapter 11: Chasing Feelings II

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Lisa's eyes scanned over the pages of her book, casually sitting with her back against a tree as she sipped her now lukewarm cup of tea. She was sitting in the castle gardens- a small area with lots of trees and flowers that she'd discovered while looking over some remodeling plans in the West Wing.

She was trying to distract herself from the disappointment that had settled in her chest last night after realizing that Jennie wasn't going to be back exactly when she said she was going to be. She was due to return yesterday, but even after Lisa waited all day and almost all night she still hadn't returned.

Jisoo mentioned that morning at breakfast that Jennie had sent a falcon a few days ago saying there was some bad weather looming overhead on the day of her departure from the North. "She probably had to slow down because of the rain," Jisoo rationalized.

The words didn't help with Lisa's frustration- in fact it only made it worse. Jennie was literally a demon who could control water, why couldn't she just stop the rain?! Not to mention she seemed to forego writing Lisa any letters... She hadn't heard from her in over a month now.

Angrily flipping the page in her book, the dark haired huffed. She tried to keep her annoyance under control, reaching back down to grab her tea to take a sip. She had just glanced up when she noticed the figure walking towards her, appearing from around the trees.

"It took you long enough," Lisa grumbled, shutting her book sharply as she watched Jennie walk closer. The smile that had started to pull on Jennie's lips disappeared into a look of surprised confusion.

"I'm only half a day late?" She defended.

Standing up, Lisa grabbed her tea and book. "It's still late- and you didn't even bother to at least saying hello in your letters." She brushed passed her, who seemed to get more and more confused by the second.

"I didn't know you wanted me to say hello!" She turned and jogged after Lisa, who kept her pace brisk.

"Why would I want to be ignored?" Lisa shot back, glaring at Jennie as she pushed the door to the castle open.

"I wasn't ignoring you, Lisa! I was just extremely busy, and the only letter I could get out was to both you and Jisoo to let you guys know I'd be held back because of the weather."

"You're shit at writing letters, then... And at controlling the weather! You're the queen of the sea! You literally control water..."

"I can't just hold back the rain for an entire week- do you know how exhausting that would be?"

Lisa trotted up the stairs of Jennie's tower two at a time. She refused to respond to Jennie's excuse, her jaw tightly clenched shut.

She had just shouldered the door to Jennie's room open, prepared to ignore her for a little while longer when suddenly her wrist was being grabbed and yanked towards Jennie. Lisa gasped, feeling fingers grip her waist tightly, holding her so close she could feel the witch's breath on her face.

"Stop ignoring me, Lisa," she growled through clenched teeth, her brown eyes the color of ice. She was very obviously angry, her face hard as stone. A shiver rolled down Lisa's back as she stared down at the woman holding her.

She bit the inside of her cheek nervously, doe eyes flickering between feline.

"Okay," Lisa breathed, her eyes naturally glancing down towards crimson lips, "I just missed you..." Jennie's face softened slightly, her grip loosening, but she still looked annoyed.

"You have a weird way of showing that you missed me," Jennie tensely mumbled.

"I guess we're both really bad at communicating, then," Lisa offered, trying to lessen Jennie's annoyance at her.

deep in the sea (I give you my heart) // jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now