Chapter 16

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Maci’s POV

Maybe since Arianna and Niall are moved out we will actually have food in the house…don’t get me wrong, I love them to death but those two can eat. I can’t say anything though I’m sitting here in my room watching Pretty Little Liars on Netflix and have a bag of popcorn, some water, a bag of crisps, and a few chocolates. I’m really into the show and something pops up and I scream and slam my laptop shut.

I let my heart slow down and clutch my hand over my chest and take deep breaths. That scared the living shit out of me. I’m never ever looking at a doll the same way again.

I hear feet and Harry and Louis burst through the door with worried eyes.

Harry: “What the hell happened?!” He screams and walks towards me and I just sit there and I burst out laughing. Louis switches the light on and they look at me confusion written all over their faces. I shake my head.

Louis: “I’m so confused.” I smile at him.

Maci: “I was watching Pretty Little Liars and something popped up and I screamed…” I say and they sigh.

Louis: “We thought you died!” He says.

Maci: “Aw you guys cared about me!” I say teasing them. Harry just rolls his eyes but Louis starts blushing and looking away. “I’m only teasing you guys are like the most caring guys I’ve ever met.”

Harry: “Well thank you, but don’t scream like that!” He says and I nod and laugh at him. “Well, have fun watching your show, I’m going to go back to bed, night.” He says and I wave and he leaves the room.

Louis: “You like horror movies and stuff?”

Maci: “Love them!”

Louis: “Have you ever seen The Human Centipede?”

Maci: “Nope.”

Louis: “Ah! It’s horrifying! Couldn’t sleep for a week!”

Maci: “Let’s watch it!” I say and his eyes go wide.

Louis: “Why!?”

Maci: “Because! It’s not like you’re watching it by yourself, I’m here. We can sleep together if you get scared.” I wink at him and he rolls his eyes.

Louis: “Fine.” He says and I open my laptop and search it in Netflix. I click play and the movie begins.


I stare at my laptop screen as the credits finish and I swallow and pull my laptop up to my lap. Louis had his arm around me gripping me to his side for dear life. I go onto facebook and see that I have a message from Brice.

I click the link and nothing shows at first then a face comes towards the front of the screen and I scream at the top of my lungs.

They probably think I’m being murdered.

Or raped…

Louis hugs me and I slam the laptop closed and after I calm down a bit after my whole explosion I get up slam the light on and go to Brice’s room. She knew we were watching horror movies tonight.

It’s about one in the morning so…

I burst through the door and her head jerks towards me and I’m guessing she can see how pissed I am by the look of slight fear in her eyes.

Maci: “BRICE! What the fuck was that! You knew we were watching horror movies! Why would you send that to me!” I scream at her and she looks like she’s about to laugh. “Don’t laugh! That scared the hell out of me!” I say and she bursts out laughing.  “You’re a bitch.”

Drama, Love, and Superman (A One Direction love story)Where stories live. Discover now