Chapter 20

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Maci’s POV

I grab a new pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and run to the bathroom. I strip off my clothes and set them in the corner and take my necklace off and place it on the sink.

I turn on the water and hop in once it’s warm.

I wash my hair and body and everything and once I’m finished I dry off and get dressed and put my necklace on and put my wet hair up in a messy bun and walk out to find Louis sprawled out on the couch watching something on TV.

Maci: “Whatcha watching?” I ask and walk over and he sits up so I can sit with him.

Louis: “Some movie called Trust, it just started.”

Maci: “Okay.” I say and I lie down with him watching the movie.

The movie was really good, it was about a girl who was talking to a guy that she thought was fifteen and later on he told her he was twenty, then twenty-five, and then he said they should meet up.

When they did he turned out to be around thirty and she got in a car with him. He took her back to his motel and he raped her.

Her best friend found out and so did her parents and she refused to believe he actually raped her; she believed he loved her.

The ending was depressing but I recommend you watch that movie, it’s really good.

I sit up and stretch and stand up and walk into the kitchen and sit on the counter. Louis walks in after me and stands in between my legs.

Louis: “That was a good movie.”

Maci: “Yes, it was.”

Louis: “You started crying.”

Maci: “No I didn’t!”

Louis: “Yes you did! I saw you!”

Maci: “Shut up, I’m emotional during movies.”

Louis: “Obviously.” I roll my eyes and mess with his hair and take a big piece at the front and tie a hair tie around it.

Maci: “Louis! You’re a unicorn!”

Louis: “Neigh neigh.”

Maci: “We should ride into the rainbow and find Niall the leprechaun at the end with his pot of gold!”

Louis: “Get on my back.” I hop onto his back and he links his arms under my knees and he starts galloping around the house.

I laugh hysterically as he neigh’s and runs around the house.

Maci: “You’re such a loser.”

Louis: “You’re boring!”

Maci: “You’re lame!” He puts me down and I stick my tongue out at him.

Louis: “We should do a twitcam!”

Maci: “Yes, let’s do it!”

He grabs his Mac and sets it down on the table in front of the couch and we both sit down in front of it. He logs into twitcam and tweets that he’s doing one and the numbers instantly are climbing.

Louis: “Hello everybody! Long time no talk ey?”

He starts getting tons of replies saying hello, asking for follows and shout outs, asking who the girl was.

Louis: “Well, as most of you probably know, this is Maci. She’s my girlfriend and we are at my family’s cabin for a couple of days so do any of you have any questions?”

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