❤️They Get Jealous❤️

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[A/N: This book ISN'T dead! I SWEAR it isn't! It's just Hannibal's Scenario Part took FOREVER to finish - considering the 4K Words his part has💕😅Hope you enjoy everyone! -Cam❤️]

Michael Myers:
"Ah, Spring~!" Gracie hummed aloud happily, her long blonde hair flowing behind her as the four of you headed to school like usual. "I mean Winter break was fun, but now people will do things like throw house parties, hang out at the nightclub - it'll be just perfect!"

"Well I personally prefer to feed the ducks at the pond and visit the local farm to pick strawberries." Alice softly smiled, her interests being much more sweet than Gracie's.

"I'm not really sure what I'd like to do." Mulling over said subject, you gripped the strap of your bag and thought about it - knowing that deep down, you couldn't tell them your plans. "Probably uh, either relax at home or head down to the beach."

"Better yet, we could all spend time together at the local cafe sometime - y'know, like we used to...?" Dana suggested in her usual pleasant manner, you and your friends reaching the school gates while you discussed your ideas.

"That's a wonderful idea, Dana! I could order my favourite Frappuccino and everything!" Gracie joyfully exclaimed, growing excited as you all entered the school's entrance and walked through the classroom doors.

"Of course you'd order the most expensive drink in there." Alice laughed before shaking her head and taking her seat.

"Same old Cici." Rolling her eyes with amusement, Dana also sat down - teasing your blonde-haired friend along with Alice.

"Hey! There's nothing wrong with using money to experience the highlife." Gracie declared stubbornly, taking out her textbooks whilst the bell rang and the other students took their seats. "Jeez."

"Sure there isn't, rich girl." You playfully joined in - unable to prevent a smirk from spreading across your face.

"The three of you just need to get out more!" She argued adamantly. "I mean, seriously!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Crumpling up a piece of used paper, you threw it at her face and caused your other two friends to laugh - all of you getting told off a few seconds later.

"Why the hell did I get told off!?" Gracie hissed under her breath, making you giggle even more. "I didn't even do anything!"

"That was so worth it." You deviously remarked, covering your mouth and trying your best to hide a second smile.

"Shh!" Placing a finger gently across her lips, Alice quietly shushed the both of you - the pink-haired girl still smiling and finding your actions to be immensely funny herself.

Meanwhile, whilst you were busy studying and listening to your teacher, Michael was bursting with frustration; the stalker disliking how for once, you weren't paying attention to him. It wasn't fair. After all, just because they sat next to you in school and you shared so many of the same classes didn't give them the right to steal you from him. Nor did it allow them to spend so much time with you after school finished up for the day. He...He just couldn't stand it. Those girls...Those stupid, silly, pathetic little girls. Slamming his trusty kitchen knife into the nearest tree, the stalker knew he'd have to do something. Anything. He'd have to take them out somehow. But...But how...?

Eventually the pushy school bell rang - signalling that you were free to leave - and so you calmly stood up, your friends patiently waiting for you to tuck away your books as you all chatted amongst yourselves. So, once you did, the four of you left the classroom and headed in the direction of the school's front doors. Though for some reason, an uneasy feeling started to swirl around your stomach; forcing you to fall quiet and apprehensive instead of your usually-playful self. And what made you feel more worried was the fact that you couldn't spot Michael anywhere, even when your eyes flickered over to his favourite stalking spot. He loved stalking you.

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