Freddy Krueger x Demoness! Reader

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[Photo/Picture isn't mine, no credit should be given to me - apart from the writing! Have fun reading!❤️]

"You're sneaking out again? You know it's not a good idea to hop worlds." Your brother reminded you seriously, his yellow eyes staring into yours with suspicion.

"Only for a bit. But shh, don't tell anyone." You placed your finger on your lips and grinned; buzzing with excitement.

"Where are you going this time? I swear you and Layla are the worst when it comes to rules." He shook his head but didn't argue, used to you and your sister heading out.

You hesitated on whether to tell him or not, deciding to give it a shot. "Well usually I follow sis to Earth, but this time I want to go somewhere new. I want to visit...the dreamworld!" Your voice was laced with enthusiasm and your brother sighed.

"The dreams of mortals? Oh come on, (Y/n). You're risking your safety to visit dreams?" He huffed sternly.

"Whaaaaat? I'm curious to see what humans dream about. Besides, I'm more interested in scaring them. Maybe I could even kill a few!" You pulled on a cloak and wrapped a mask around your mouth so you wouldn't be recognised easily.

"Dammit (Y/n)...fine, just be careful. Open a portal quick, before anyone can sense it." Your brother ordered as he began to walk out the room, shaking his head again.

You giggled with glee; trying not to spread your wings. You were one of the stronger demons - a demoness with black leathery wings and intense speed. It's not like you ran all the time, you preferred to fly and dodge your opponents up in the sky. You loved wearing your black tank top and black booty shorts, along with your thick high heels. Your long (h/c) hair wafted around your revealing cleavage, your (e/c) eyes outlined in black eyeliner whilst you kept up a strong yet seductive appearance. You lived in the deep depths of hell, challenging lower demons and shaming them for their weaknesses.

Some people admired you and others hated you - mainly because you were half-demon and half-succubus. Down here, people didn't like mixed creatures. That's why most people kept their distance from you. And that's why you detested living in hell. You itched to explore - to see what was out there in the other worlds. Maybe you'd meet other demons, or even battle them! You couldn't bear staying in hell any longer. So you began making trips to random places and returning, working your way up to just escaping completely. Besides, you were really curious about this dreamworld place. What kind of things do humans dream about?

You created a portal and leapt through - the magic teleporting you to the realm of dreams. Where were you now? It looked like a normal human home. Oh no, had your magic somehow messed up? You didn't want to go to Earth! You were about to leave when you spotted a girl in a nightdress walking down the stairs; her face confused as well. She was in nightwear...was she dreaming? Oh, this was her dream! But what was she dreaming about? You perched on top of the wooden railing, looking down and watching her intently. What a boring thing to dream about, walking down some stairs. Jeez, what a waste of time.

You hopped down onto the first floor when she entered the kitchen, discreetly following her and trying to get some entertainment out of this trip. The girl stood there in fright, opposite a blonde-haired male. That must be her father. They talked for a bit and then he grew angry after she rejected his gross sexual advances - the girl terrified as he reached for his belt. It was only a nightmare, she should be able to handle it. Maybe she knew some karate or something. You leaned against the door and waited for some sort of action, disappointed when she just pushed past you in panic.

Once the girl had ran into the hallway, the scene around you two changed; the dream now showing a boiler room in an old factory. You jumped super high and landed on a broken machine, keeping out of sight as you hid in the shadows. Now this place looked interesting. Red and green smoke made it hard to see, the heat inside the factory being extremely hard to bear for the girl. You not so much...considering you were a demoness from hell. She jumped when a pipe burst, steam whooshing out and burning her. The girl cried out and held her arm close to her side, moving forwards in a wounded manner.

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