♥When You Crush On Them♥

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Hey you! Look at this! It's a new part! Enjoy~ -Cam😘xx

Michael Myers:
"You're not stopping me Michael, I told them I would go. Besides, I'll be back in a little bit - it's just for the afternoon." You refrained from rolling your eyes, seeing a certain stalker block your way to the door. You were meant to be meeting your friends at the park, but apparently Michael didn't like that idea too much.

"Please don't do this." You complained as you held your bag strap, checking the time on your wristwatch. Crap, you were going to be late.

Michael shook his head, adamant about you staying. He wanted to watch over you - and if anything happened whilst you were out, he couldn't protect you. Plus he didn't want anyone else to get your attention; especially not some stupid girls. You sighed and closed your eyes, reopening them a second later as you moved over to Michael. With a new plan in mind, you wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him into a hug, resting your head against his chest and trying to sweet-talk your way past the insecure male in front of you.

"Please let me go out Michael. I promise I'll stay out of trouble, and we can watch a movie together when I get back. Okay?" You spoke softly, trying to act extra sweet. He hesitated; unsure of whether he should take the deal or decline it. This was your chance!

"Pretty please? With a cherry on top? I'll even let you pick the movie~" You cooed cutely. This time Michael nodded and moved aside, entranced by your adorable form and alluring voice.

"Thanks! Speak to you in a bit Michael!" You beamed and gave him a merry wave before skipping out, making the stalker bewildered as to who actually won just then.

You quickened your pace; racing towards the park and giggling. It wasn't a mean-spirited trick to pull on Michael, it just took his overprotective pandering down a peg or two. After taking a moment to regain your breath, you entered the park and spotted your friends by the swings, the three of them talking amongst themselves. There was Dana, Alice and Gracie - all of them being in the drama club. You loved theatrical arts, so naturally you were a member too. Rachel was one of the main stars of the drama club, but you and the others hadn't seen her in weeks.

"Hey Dana, Ali, Cici." You greeted lightly, walking over to the small group.

"Hey (Y/n)!"

"Any word about Rachel yet?" You asked hopefully, sending them a soft smile.

Dana shook her light-brown hair, her golden earrings jingling in the breeze as she looked regretful. "Sorry (Y/n), but no. She still hasn't replied to my text from last week."

"She always talked about visiting Arcadia Bay, to see an old friend...maybe she took off to see her?" Alice shyly chimed in, playing with a lock of her short, pink hair.

"I mean...maybe." You felt a bit disappointed, your hopes getting drastically dashed.

"Surely she wouldn't leave without saying anything." Dana replied to Alice's comment quietly.

"Face it guys, she up and bailed on us! Just as we were preparing to put on a show too. Talk about rude." Gracie puffed out her cheeks and tossed her head to the side, feeling bitter.

"Let's try and stay positive, we don't know anything yet." Dana sensibly suggested - being the cool-headed one in your group.

"Hmph!" Gracie flicked her blonde hair back, crossing her arms defiantly as she didn't like to be wrong.

"Yeah, we came to the park to hang out and have fun - let's not spoil it by being all gloom and doom." Alice sweetly declared.

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