❤️You See Them Kill❤️

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[A/N: This book ISN'T dead<3 Hope you enjoy and have an awesome day!😘*ALSO: - I'll put up a voting poll on my Discord and you guys can pick the next scenario I do for them all :P*]

Michael Myers:
You walked home with Michael, holding hands with him and talking about your day at the top of your voice - excited about performing in a play this upcoming school term. He listened loyally, always interested in what you had to say. Michael hung onto every word, keeping close to you whilst he paid attention. You thought it was sweet the way he never grew bored of your chattering, but you did feel a tad self-conscious. Still, he shook his head when you asked him if you were annoying, so he must not mind right? Right. Michael disappeared from your side as you opened the front door -  the stalker sensing that your brother was home.

"Miles? Hello?" You called and stepped into the house, dumping your bag in the hallway and walking into the living room. To your surprise Miles wasn't stoned on the sofa or out drinking, he was getting ready for something.

"Hey (Y/n). How was school?" He asked in a friendly fashion, straightening his black tie.

"Good. What are you getting all dressed up for?" You hesitantly replied, moving into the kitchen area and seeing the dishes already done.

"Well y'know that job interview I went to on Friday, to switch jobs?" Miles threw you a mischievous grin and your mouth fell open.

"You got the job you wanted? When were you gonna tell me?!" You clapped your hands and then threw your arms around him, giving your brother a well-deserved hug.

"You were at Dana's sleepover, and I wanted to surprise you with a pay-check at the end of the week." He sheepishly smiled when he saw how happy you were, hugging you back immediately.

"Aw, I'm so glad you got it! What do you do?" You grew giddy with excitement; jumping up and down whilst you clutched his shirt.

"I uh...I entertain girls." Miles looked shady and you frowned, confused.

"What like, they pay you to take them out or something? Like a pay-to-use boyfriend?" You spoke in a suspicious tone - not knowing if you disliked it or not. It seemed harmless.

"Y-Yes! Exactly! I'm a fake boyfriend. Now I've gotta go, so would you mind picking up some groceries? The food list is on the table." He quickly agreed, moving towards the door and grabbing his keys.

"Um sure...but your job, what exactly do you-"

"See ya sis!" Miles called and then closed the front door, jogging to his car.

"-do?" You finished to yourself, a little disappointed by the lack of information.

You let out a woeful sigh and wandered over to the dinner table, picking up the list and reading the different food written down. Most of it was simple stuff like cereal and juice, so it wasn't a problem to head down to the store in a bit and get more. Your head snapped up when you heard a creak in the floorboards, relaxing your stance after you saw the silent stalker watching you. He must've been waiting for Miles to leave, just so he could spend more time in your company. You smiled and folded the paper in two, slipping the list into your pocket whilst walking to the door. Michael placed a hand on your shoulder, acting protective as usual.

"I'm just going to get some shopping done real quick. Why don't you go and kill someone whilst I'm gone?" You were half-joking, but at the same time you had noticed how agitated Michael would get sometimes. It had been a while since he killed someone anyway.

The killer gave a hesitant nod and released his hold on you, wrapping his arms around you in a very endearing embrace. You rested your head against his shoulder and placed your arms around his neck, tightening the hug as you felt safe in his hold. A few minutes passed; the two of you extremely comfortable with where you were at this present time. Soon you broke away, deciding to get on with the shopping and flashing Michael an apologetic smile. After you said goodbye you waved and shut the door behind you, hoping he'd be okay. The police weren't as smart as Michael was, he could evade them for as long as he wanted.

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