❤️You (Accidentally) Get Drunk❤️

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[A/N: WHAT'S UP PARTY PEOPLE!? How're you all feeling today!?❤️Have you gotten taller again? DAYUMMMMM, I think you have!❤️Okay, I'd just like to point out that this book ISN'T dead! I SWEAR<3❤️It's just that Hannibal & Pennywise's Parts took ages to finish - like no kidding, this book took forever to complete💞😅Not to mention that I usually always make sure that each slasher's Scenario Part is at least 2.5k+ words :P💗xx Anyway, I hope that you guys enjoy reading these parts just as much as I did writing them! -Cam<3❤️]

Michael Myers:
"I don't know, Gracie...It's been ages since we've all hung out there." You uneasily commented, thinking back to the last time you and your friends had visited Lusties Nightclub and messed around. "I mean, I know I have more free time - due to Miles's...current job and Michael's...Well, Michael's support with our old bitch of a teacher, but still—"

"Oh, c'mon...!" Gracie persisted pleadingly, clapping her hands together and begging you with the utmost of desperation, her blue eyes glistening as though her life depended on you joining. "You have to come! When we hang out, we always hang out together...! You, me, Dana and Alice...!"

"But I thought we'd agreed to meet up at Nutmeg Cafe...?" With a confused expression, Ali questioned Cici before moving aside for another student to pass through. "Why the sudden plan switch all of a sudden...? Did something happen...?"

"Yeah. According to Gracie, it turns out that the cafe's fully booked tonight." Dana chipped in carelessly, giving a casual shrug and brushing it off without a second thought. "She didn't think last week to actually think ahead and make a reservation or anything—"

"Hey! Why do I always have to plan our nights-slash-evenings out...!?" Gracie protested in annoyance, arguing against Dana and acting somewhat hurt. "It wouldn't hurt for you, Ali or (Y/n) to actually organise our time together occasionally, y'know...!"

"She's got a point, Dana..." Ali trailed off awkwardly, trying to defuse the conflict and calm the blonde down to some degree. "She does do a lot for us..."

"I'm not denying that...! All I'm saying is that if you're going to suggest something, you need to be able to back it up...!" Dana roughly retaliated, rolling her eyes and arguing back.

"Hey, hey, hey...! Let's not cause things to spiral out-of-control here." You quickly interjected, concerned for their composure and their feelings. "There's no need for this. We all have our individual outlook on said situation, but at the end of the day it's still just the four of us hanging out, that's all."

"Exactly...!" Gracie agreed excitedly, Dana raising her eyebrows at her friend's erratic mood-swing and releasing a sigh of slight exasperation. "Sooooo~"

"I...I guess I can come this evening..." You hesitantly thought aloud, biting your lip and mulling over your upcoming decision. "I mean...I suppose Michael's mostly alright with you three now..."

"You're still dating that...that psychopath...!?" Gracie judged coolly, narrowing her eyes and flicking her head to the side. "Hmph. What a...What a complete and utter creep...!"

"Come on now, Cici." You sighed in despair, knowing how Michael felt towards your friends and how they felt in return. "I know you three don't exactly like his personality, but he swore not to touch you guys ever again. Isn't that enough...?"

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