❤️They Act "Yandere"❤️

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[A/N: People I repeat, this book is NOT dead, I swear xD Please stop panicking and sliding into the DMs over whether or not I'm done - because I would never just fall silent, I would say something💕😅. But thanks for being so patient, I'm just grateful you've stuck around. And with that said, I am pleased to release the newest part of the "Horror Movie Scenario & One Shots" book: ❤️They Act "Yandere"❤️! ]

Michael Myers:
A few months had passed since the stressful situation you'd accidentally placed yourself in and soon, school holidays rolled around; meaning you could spend all of winter break with Michael. This meant devoting most of your time to your silent boyfriend, with the exception of occasionally hanging out with your three friends - Ali, Dana and Cici. You and Michael did everything together, from watching horror movies throughout the day to snuggling down to sleep at night. In your mind, it was bliss. In Michael's mind however, it was utter obsession. He was infatuated with you. Head-over-heels for you.

Everything about you just drew him in; from your playful personality all the way down to your sweet appearance. His obsessive tendencies grew and grew - eventually dissolving into complete and utter possession. The stalker started to get on your nerves, so much so in fact that you purposely tried to create some distance between the both of you. But it just seemed like the harder you tried, the more Michael stuck to you like glue. Your patience slowly faded, your underlaying aggravation increased and finally the slight resentment you'd been feeling caused you to snap - mentally and emotionally.

"Michael." You sighed in exasperation, rolling over onto your other side and facing him directly; the two of you lying on the sofa and watching another horror movie. "How come you're acting so...so clingy all of a sudden?"

Though all you received was one of his classic head tilts, which caused you to release a huff and try to roll back towards the TV screen. But Michael prevented you from doing so; gripping your wrists and gazing into your eyes with the most intense look you'd ever seen in his dark, chocolate orbs. What was going on here? You'd spent most of your school holidays with him, watched movies with him, etcetera etcetera. Yet he still wanted more of your attention. This was almost getting too much for you to handle - making you eye him with a cold expression as you tried your best to pull away.

"Let go of my wrists." You coolly commanded, "And tell me what's going on."

But he didn't listen; instead just staring intently whilst you struggled a little bit. "Please Michael, why are you acting like this?"

After a minute or two he finally let go, pulling out his notepad and deciding to interact with you. EᑕᗩᑌᔕE I OE YO. I OE YO O. ᖴᑌᑕKIG. ᗰᑌᑕᕼ. YO'E IE. [A/N: BECAUSE I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU SO. FUCKING. MUCH. YOU'RE MINE.]

"I know you do. And I love you too." Once you'd wearily replied you attempted to sit up - though unfortunately you were unsuccessful. Why? Because your boyfriend immediately dropped the notepad and made you lie back down with him; cradling your right cheek with his left hand.

Then, with his right hand, he pulled up the bottom of his pale-faced mask to press his lips lovingly against yours; showing just how much he cherished your very existence. "You've really got to stop this behaviour, y'know." You stopped the kiss for a split second to murmur your soft disapproval, shaking your head after he simply shrugged.

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