Chapter 3

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The bus stopped at the corner of the road. I waved goodbye at the driver.

"Thanks for everything!"

She smiled, "Your welcome kid. I hope you get to your mom soon."

It took me two days and maybe five buses to get here. This last driver was really nice.

I smiled and walked down the street. Just before I left my house, I wrote down my mom's address inside my sketch book. I knew that there was probably a few nice people in town, so they could show me around.

I went to the nearest gas station and had a bathroom break. After that, I bought myself some snacks and a slushie. It was April, and the weather was sweltering. It was humid and cloudy, my shirt stuck to my sweaty skin. A slushie seemed good right now.

I asked the cashier if she knew the address. She looked and then gasped."Oh my gosh! My mom knows her!" Then she looked at me and gasped again."Mike! Oh my gosh! You're back!"

It took a moment to realize what was going on."Anna?"

She squealed, "OMG, you're back!"
She hugged me from over the counter.

"My shift ends right now. I can drive you over."

"Uh, thanks?"

Anna was a good friend of mine in our sophomore year. She went up to me and told me she likes me, but I just friend zoned her. Later on, I told her I was gay and she really didn't care.

As she drove she chattered about the guys.

"Dave decided to quit soccer last year. Oh! Rob and Brad entered an art contest last week! They said they wanted to because you would've wanted to. Joe got some new turntables, he's good, but he kinda over does it, you know."

I wanted to cover my ears and tell her to shut up. And why was she so into my friends lives anyways? They didn't like her what so ever.

"Mike, you still have my number right? You should totally call me so we can hang out sometime."

Gosh, now I know why I didn't date her. I think girls like her made me prefer guys.

"Or we can go to that talent show that's happening in May. Or-"

"Hey Anna? Isn't that my mom's house right there?" I pointed to some random house. I realized that she passed it and was actually taking me towards the direction of her house.

"What? Where?" She slowed down the car to a stop. The car probably didn't even stop moving when I got out, "Bye Anna, thanks, see you later."

I shut the car door and ran down the street towards my mom's house.

When Anna's car was out of sight, I slowed down and tried catching my breath. I walked down the sidewalk, sipping my slushie and looking at the house numbers.

"There it is," I mumbled, and ran across the road to the yard. I stared at the door, hesitating to knock. When I did the door opened so fast, it scared me.

"Mike?" My mom stepped outside. I hugged her, thinking that only she mattered."Michael, I was so worried! I haven't heard from you for months!"

"I broke my phone...I wasn't allowed to call."

"Why? You aren't in trouble are you? Wait...why are you here?"

I told her everything that has happened, except about what happened at the park. She hugged me tighter, "I'm glad you came here. You should've told Jason to call me, to straighten your father up."

"He wasn't allowed to call either mom."

She sighed, "Well, come in, it's hot out here."

I walked into the cool air of the house. It felt good to feel some cool air.

"I'm gonna go shower mom."

"Go right ahead sweety, your room hasn't been touched, just cleaned. Everything should be in place."

I raised and eyebrow, "I thought you were going to make it a guest room." She laughed, "I just couldn't bring myself to change it. I missed having you here."

I smiled, "Thanks mom."

In the shower, stood there, thinking about what the boy told me.

Chester. That was his name, right?

I can't always remember his name. Just his face. His face has haunted me for the past couple of days. How pale and skinny he was. He looked almost dead. I shuddered. But then he changed my mind about killing myself.

When I got out, I heard my mom laughing with some other voices. My heart jumped. It couldn't be. How did they know that fast?

I walked down the stairs and found Dave, Brad, Joe, and Rob all in the kitchen with my mom.

"MIKE!!" They all screamed. Even Rob yelled, which was very out of character for him.

They all rushed towards me and tackled me with hugs. "Woah guys, I've been in town for an hour and a half and you knew I'm here?"

"Well Joe saw you in the gas station that's in the far part if town," Phoenix said. "Wait, Joe what were you doing in that part of town?" Phi questioned when he realized what he said.

"I was getting some really expensive DJ stuff."


Joe rolled his eyes. Brad then spoke, "He personally came to our houses and kept screaming 'MIKE'S HERE DUDE'."

"Yeah, we thought he finally lost it," Phoenix giggled.
"So how long you staying here?" Rob asked softly. He was the youngest in our 'family'. He had known Brad for as long as he's known me, but we didn't actually becomes friends until he started highschool. He was always calm and collected.

I shrugged, "Forever?"

They all grinned and tackled me with hugs again.

"Guys! Calm down with the hugging! I love you guys, but not in that way!"

Brad laughed, "Phoenix, we just got friend zoned!"

They laughed, "Hey guys, we should totally go to the park, to catch up," Joe suggested.

"Which one? The dog park or Lincoln?" Phoenix asked.

"No, we're dogs, we're totally going to the dog park."

I laughed. I really missed being here.

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