Chapter 45

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I sat with the guys outside in the chilly air during lunch. Chester was at home with a fever.

"Something interesting happened earlier this week." I spoke up as Joe was bragging about a painting idea he had.

"Did you learn how to tie your shoes?" Brad joked.

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up. It's about Chester." I couldn't help but notice that they all kinda tensed up.

Rob cleared his throat, "What happened?"

"Well...I hope you guys don't mind me talking about it...umm..."

Dave sighed, "Spit it out Shinoda." I sighed and scratched the back of my neck.

"We were um, having sex and uh-"

"I kinda don't wanna hear this now." Joe piped in, crossing his arms and shaking his head.

I shot him a glare, "Deal with it. After I thought we were done, he just kinda just wanted more."

"Isn't that normal?" Brad asked, snickering.

"Well yeah, but we had already gone twice and we were a little rough."

"That explains why you're lips looked a little swollen." Dave chuckled.

"Can you people quit interupting?" They shut up. "After that he pinned me down and just wanted to be top if you know what I mean. But he just got really rough after that. He looked almost lost."

Dave suddenly looked worried. "Did he hurt you?"

"No. I actually enjoyed it," I said, blushing. Dave rolled his eyes. "But was scaring me was the aggression that he had towards me."

"Aggression?" Rob asked softly. Brad glanced at him, then turned back at me. "He did leave a lot of marks on your neck."

I chuckled nervously, "Yeah, I guess he did," I tugged at my collar, hoping to cover my neck a little.

"Well thank you for roughly yanking us back into your sex life Shinoda," Dave groaned. I rolled my eyes and looked at Joe, who had his ears covered the entire time.


I hunched over the toilet and threw up. I was sweating a little, but I was freezing. My hand was shaking as I reached for the thermometer. I turned it on and put it into my mouth. It beeped after a few seconds. 102.3...

I sighed and put it away. I texted Mike and told him I was sick. I stayed in the bathroom for a little longer, my stomach was lurching. I groaned and just went to my room, pulled off the covers and took them to the living room. I also brought my trashcan in case. I walked into the kitchen, opening the freezer. I grabbed a cold pack from the door and wrapped it in a washcloth.

I turned on the t.v. and watched whatever was on. I held the pack against head and neck, hoping it would bring my temperature down. I heard the door open and my mom walked in. "Well you're finally here," I mumbled sarcastically.

"Why aren't you at school?" She asked. I almost rolled my eyes. 


She sighed and put her keys on the kitchen table. "Do you want anything to eat then?"

"No. My stomach is killing me."

She looked at me, sighed, then just went to her room. I took it as in opportunity to call Davey.

"Hey it's me."

"Oh, what's up? Hey you don't sound so good."

"Yeah. I'm a little sick."

"And you want drugs now?"

I rolled my eyes, "No dumbass, I just want you to have them ready for me next time I go."

"Alright, so do you want the usual."

"Yeah, sure." I hung up and tossed the phone to the other side of the couch. I cuddled into my blankets and fell asleep.


I woke up and looked at the clock hanging above the t.v. Mike and the guys get out in a couple of minutes. Maybe I should go see them for a little bit. I forced my self to get up from the couch. I stretched and went to my room to get dress. I had to layer my clothes since I was freezing, but it didn't bug me. I put a lighter and my box of cigarettes in my pocket and went on my way.


"Well that's depressing," I mumbled. Joe nodded. "She is like eighty. She's had that cat for as long as I remember."


I turned and groaned. Anna was running towards me. But what surprised me, she didn't have her smug look. She looked almost disappointed or ashamed. "Mike. I have to talk to you about something."

"Um...What is it?"

"Joe. Can I talk to him alone?" Okay this is probably bad. 

Joe hesitated and then nodded. "Uh, see you later Mike."

Once he was gone Anna sighed. "I'm really sorry. I found out something interesting about Chester. And I honestly don't want to say this to tear you two apart. I-" She stopped and bit her lip. "I really do want you two to be happy together. So this is why I think I should bring it up."

She took a deep breath, "Chester's doing drugs."

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