Chapter 26

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Anna dragged me into a place I wasn't really familiar with. It was packed though. Really packed.

"Hey, why are we here? I thought we were gonna chill today."

"Oh. Mikey's band is performing here tonight, right before some other singer."

I looked at her. Of course she'd cancel plans just to harass Chester more.

"Faggy is with them right?"

She nodded. "We should've brought earplugs." We snickered.

After awhile, a couple guys came up on stage and I noticed it was Mike and his friends. I saw Chester walk up with a grin on his face. I sighed as Anna pulled me closer to the stage.

"Ann you know I spent a lot of money trying to get snack for us."

"Shh, he's up there now!" I rolled my eyes and set my attention to the stage.

They started off by saying they were going to play a new song. I saw Anna roll her eyes and take a sip of her soda, that I bought.

An intro played and Mike started rapping, and I'll admit he was pretty good.

"Myself!" Chester screamed. They sang, alternating lines. It was actually pretty cool. Chester wasn't a bad singer. "I can't hold on..."

I looked at Anna. She was covering her ears when Chester sang and smiling and clapping when Mike rapped. She was acting like a child. I rolled my eyes and listened. They were actually pretty good.

Then they said that it was their last song. They stared playing and I really liked it. Then a girl came up on stage and starting sing with them. They finished and Mike threw a couple of water bottles out into the crowd.

Anna was blabbering, "Mike is so cool! I think he wrote all the songs, I'm pretty sure he did. Bennington isn't probably creative enough to do anything."

"Ha, probably not..."

Then I remembered.

I recognised the lines to a song They played earlier.

'Its too late to love me now, you don't even know me.'

I remember those lines. They were in a card Chester sent me on my birthday. I never realized how much potential the kid had. I was wrong about Chester. I shook my head and remembered what I saw in the kid. I looked at Anna. She was still pulling her act.

"Hey bitch, if you ever want to stop picking on Chester, give me a call. Maybe then we'll be friends again."

"What?" She shouted over the music, looking a little horrified. "Sam! Samantha wait!"

I walked away to join some other friends I saw earlier. Anna was sputtering and attempting to talk, trying to get past the crowd if people. I giggled and enjoyed the rest of the show. I'm out of school, I deserve a break from people like her.


I went around the back if the building. I saw two guys standing there, talking. There they are.

"Hey Chester! Coming back for more?" Davey said. He had long wavy black hair that went past his shoulders. Jade, his friend had short brown hair that was short and spikey.

"Yea, but hurry though, my boyfriend is waiting up on me." Jade pulled out the drug. I eagerly grabbed it and nearly threw the money at them.

"Alright see you guys," I said putting in my pocket. They said their byes and I went to go find Mike.

"Hey you ready to go?"

I nodded and hugged him."I had fun tonight," I sighed.

He chuckled,"Tired huh?" I nodded.

"Okay, you can just drop us all of at Dave's and then you can go home to sleep." I nodded.


I went straight to my room, trying to avoid my mom. "How was it...okay, tell me in the morning I guess."

I locked the door and took the drug. I haven't had my fix for a week. It felt great to have it again. I threw what was left in the box and lay down on the floor. I felt great.


Dave and I were the only ones left at his house. He was quiet for a long time.

"Mike, you know Chester's past right?"

I nodded,"Yeah, why?"

"I just think it might be hurting him more now than it did before. I mean, he did ran into the guy that ruined his childhood. What if that hit the reset button?"

I blinked."What are you trying to say?"

"Look, not to be gay or anything, but Chester's a pretty attractive guy. Mike, other guys can hurt him again. He can hurt himself again."

"Are you saying that I don't keep an close watch on him?"

"No, just...I feel worried. That's all." He mumbled.

"Everything's okay Dave. I know it is. I know that no matter what gets in between us, everything is going to be fine in the end."

He nodded. "Alright."


I walked to Chester's house the next day. He came out into the yard and winced.

"Damn Sun. I hate bright stuff." I chuckled.

"Come on my little vampire, we're getting ice cream."

We went to a small ice cream shop and sat down at a table.

"You can get me whatever." Chester said, sitting down. I nodded and went to order. When I got back, I almost dropped the ice cream. Sam was sitting in front of Chester, talking to him.

"Oh hey Mike. Mind if I start over Ches?"

"Nah, go ahead."

"Okay," she sighed. "I'm sorry about everything Chester. I didn't mean anything that I said. Things have been happening with family and I and I guess I just needed to let everything out. And I let Anna get into my head. I'm sorry and I hope we can be friends again like before."

She looked at us with sorrow filled eyes. Chester took her hand, "I accept your apology Sam."

I placed a hand on her shoulder, "I forgive you too."

She smiled, "Thanks guys. By the way, I saw your performance at the Roxy. It was killer."

"Thanks," Chester said.

"How the hell do you do that with your voice?"

He shrugged, "Practice."

I laughed and gave him his ice cream. "Here, it's melting in my hand."

He eagerly took it and pretty much inhaled it. I laughed and sat next to him. We talked about random stuff and pretty much had a good time.


How dare she do that! I can't believe it. I took my phone and dialed a number I had written down. I bit my nails impatiently.


"Hey Mark."

"Oh hey! What's up?"

"Nothing much. Hey, we need to make someone's life a living hell when school starts up."

"Nice. Who is it?"

"Chester Bennington."

"What about his boyfriend? Mike?"

"Leave him alone, I have other plans for him."

"Alright then." I hung up. I felt so excited for this. I dialed another number. "Chris. Can you do me a favor? There's this girl, Sam, I need you to give her a little talk about being a bitch."

I smirked. She's going to get it.

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