Chapter 36

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"What did he say?" Dave shouted.

"Dave, I just got home. It's three in the morning. Stop yelling." I heard Dave groan.

"Just come on! What did he say?"

"You probably woke up your parents."

"Mike! Stop it and tell me!" He whined.

"Alright, he said yes!" I chuckled.

"YAY! I KNEW YOU GUYS ARE MEANT TO BE!" I winced and held the phone away from my ear.

"Shut up, I get it. Besides, it's not like we're getting married or anything."

"You guys should. I mean you two are just so perfect together! I swear if you guys don't stay with each other, I'm gonna cry. And that's a promise Shinoda."

"Oh no! The almighty Phoenix shedding tears!"

"Shut up. I'm serious! I WILL cry if you guys split up!" Then he hung up. I chuckled and fell back onto my bed. I can never imagine breaking up with Chester. He's just too perfect...

But what if he was doing something bad? Like cutting again? I'm pretty sure I wouldn't get mad, but what if it was because of me? What if he's cutting and not coming to me instead? I grabbed a pillow and held against my chest. What if he doesn't trust me enough? I shook my head, I'm just being stupid. Of course Chester trusts me. He loves me.


My throat burned. I groaned and rolled out of bed. I threw some clothes on and went to the bathroom to spike my hair and get some medicine. My head was killing me.

I drove onto school and went to my first class. I'm already late as it is. I walked into the classroom, get an disapproving look from the teacher.

"Mr. Bennington, you're late."

"I know," I mumbled. I sat in my seat next to Mike. He glanced at me nervously. He tossed a paper at my desk.

'What happened?'

'Nothing. Woke up late.' I folded it back up and tossed it to him.

'That's not it. You look terrible.'

'I thought I was sexy Michael'

'Shut up, I mean you don't so well. Are you sick?'

'I'm fine, don't worry about me.'

I tossed the paper at him and put my head on the table. I am dying.


"You need to go home," Mike insisted, "You look really sick."

"Mike. Don't worry about it. I'm fine," I managed to say in between coughs. He shook his head and continued to eat his food.

Joe coughed, "Sorry for getting you sick."

I glanced at him, "Nah, it's okay. I get sick really easily. Must've left the window open again."

Dave came up from behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and Dave's hand retreated. "Woah Chaz. You okay?"

I nodded, "Fine. Perfectly good."


I sat on the floor in my room, smoking. Once I was done, I lay down. I sniffled and drifted to sleep.

"Come on! It feels great." Chris said shoving the bag into my chest. I gave up, "Okay fine."

Next thing I know, where both crashing into the couch laughing. He drinks and looks at me. "Hey you're not bad lookin Ches."

I chuckled, partially ignoring him. "A guy would probably kill to have you," he slurred, scooting towards me. I realized what was happening. "Chris? What are you sa-" He cut me off and pinned me down against the couch.

He nipped at my neck and yanked my pants down. He moaned into my ear and rubbed his hand against me. I whimpered, unable to scream or move.

I felt sick. He touched me and then pulled my boxers down. "Stop your crying." He growled. I felt him everywhere. Touching everywhere.

I woke up, my arms flailing as if I was pushing some on off of me. I sat up and looked around. It was just me. My head pounded. I shook my head. I need to stop. All the drugs. They're messing with my head, making me remember instead of forget.

I looked at the clock. Five. I should probably not go to school. I feel absolutely horrible.

I hope I get better before Friday, I have to take Mike to that concert.


I sat across from Joe, munching on my fries. "I don't know, it's he's messed up or something," I said.

Joe shook his head. "You know, he could be doing-"

"No. Nope. Shut up."





The people seated around us stared at us.

Joe put his hands up in defeat. "Damn Phoenix. It was just a suggestion."

I sighed, "Sorry, it's just...I'm afraid that if that's the case, Mike could act really..."

"I get it, but I have a feeling that that's it."

"Let's hope not."

He gathered his trash and threw it away. "Dave, if Chester is taking drugs, what do we do?"

"We do what is best, stick with him and help him out of it. Even if Mike pushes him away."

He nodded and bit his lip.


Chester didn't show up to school. Which was good in a way. He needs his rest. But since he was gone, Anna found a chance to talk to me.

I was walking to and from school, I didn't feel like driving today. As I was walking through my neighborhood, nearing my house, she jumped out of nowhere and started her usual blabbering. I ignored her, not picking up a word she was saying.

Anna kept talking and talking, asking me things and then continuing to talk when I didn't answer. I made it too obvious that I was ignoring her.

I turned and faced her.

"When will you get the hint? I don't want you around me! Or Chester! Stay the fuck away from both of us!"

She made a face. "Oh, I hate your boyfriend Michael! See what he's made you into? You're such a meanie!"

"Anna, I never liked you. Get it through that thick skull of yours! I love Chester and not you!" I was close to shoving her away, but instead I turned and stormed home.

Once I was in the safety of my own room, I called Chester. I bit my lip as the phone continued to ring. On the fifth ring, he answered.

"Hey Mikey," he sounded absolutely horrible, his voice hoarse.

"Hey baby, how are you holding up?"
He coughed and cleared his throat, "I'm fine. Nothing hurts other than my throat."

"Okay. Hey."


"I love you."

"I love you too Mike. Are you free Friday?"

"Of course."

"Okay. I have something for you."

I chuckled, "Do you now?"

"Yeah, because I love shit outta you."

"Yup. Every time I see you, I shit my pants because I feel your love."

He chuckled and coughed, "Mike! That was just-" he laughed again.

"Glad to hear you laugh babe."

"Thanks Mikey," he whispered.

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