Chapter 30

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I groaned and turned off my alarm. Today was the first day of school.

I lazily got out of bed and went to my closet. I chose a simple t-shirt and jeans and threw them on. I went to my bathroom to style my hair.

I just ran a hand through it with gel. I went to the kitchen and grabbed served myself some cereal.

"Chester's picking me up," I said sitting at the table. My mom looked up from her book.

"Okay, have fun on your first day Mike." I almost groaned. She chuckled and continued reading.

I finished up my cereal and heard Chester's car honk. I stood up and kissed my mom's cheek.

"See you tonight," I said. She nodded, sipping her coffee.

"Hey, how was your morning," Chester said leaning over to kiss me.

I kissed him back and replied, "Okay. I'm just really not looking forward to school and work and shit."

He chuckled, "Me either. But what I am looking forward to is causing chaos with you."

I smiled at him. Everything might be okay.


We had to go to our guidance councilors to get our schedules, and Chester had a different councilor, unfortunately.

The first bell rang, signaling that we go to first period. Math. Oh what a glorious class to start with. I found the class and saw that Chester was already seated in the back. I sat next to him and smiled. He nervously smiled back.

"Good morning students, I'm Mrs. Reyes. As you know, you're seniors now. I will not take any attitude or cocky behavior."

I heard a couple of scoffs and her eyes darted to Mark and Justin.

"Now I know who to move to the front." She pointed at two empty desks in the front. They walked to the front of the class with stupid grins on their faces.

"Alright, take out a spiral notebook and let's begin."


After math was science. After science was language arts, then finally gym.

I was so happy to have Chester in gym this year. Not so I can watch him change, but to have fun with him. I know. It's totally not creepy. It was the one class the rest of the guys were in. Even Rob, who was two grades behind the rest of us. 

"I honestly do not like soccer," Chester said randomly.

Dave made a dramatic gasp, "Chester!"

Chester laughed, "Dave, unlike me, your really good at soccer. From what I hear, you've been team captain all throughout high school."

"Yup. And I hope I'm team captain this year again."

Rob spoke up, "I like track."

"Of course you do," Brad said ruffling his hair. Rob swatted his hand away. "And Brad doesn't like sports."

"Shut up, neither does Joe."

Joe shrugged his shoulders, "Meh."

The coach came out and took attendance. She looked pretty tough, considering that she wasn't very tall.

"Alright. I don't want any lazy people. No complaints or anything like that. Seniors, I don't want any attitude or any truancy. That'll cost you five laps around the field."

Dave raised his hand, "Can we bring presents for the teachers?"

She looked at him, "Farrell, you bring me anything as long as it's not anything ridiculous."

I looked at him obviously confused. He grinned and mouth out 'I'll tell you later'. I shrugged and turned back to coach. "Alright, basketballs are over there. Have fun."

Chester and Dave ran over to where the rack was and grabbed a ball. "I'm going to assume you like basketball?"

I asked grinning at Chester. He laughed, "It's fun. I'm not super into it, but I like it."

We started a game and we were actually having fun until this guy Jessie came up to us.

"Hey! Flames!" he called. Chester looked over at him. Jessie motioned for him to come over. I watched them, hoping nothing would happen. I saw him lean over and whisper into Chester's ear. Chester shook his head and came back to finish up the game.


I honestly didn't know what that was about.

I walked up to the guy and he leaned towards me. "Hey, why don't you meet me in the locker rooms during lunch. We can have a good time together."

I shook my head, "Nah, I have better things to do." I jogged back to the guys, who were all looking at me with confused looks.

"What?" They shrugged and continued the game.


Lunch time came around. Which was good because I was starving and I really didn't care what they were serving. I got my tray and found Mike and the guys. I sat next to them and literally inhaled my food. They all looked at me and started to chuckle.

"Hey slow down Chaz," Brad laughed.

Mike laughed, "Didn't eat breakfast?"


"You eat breakfast tomorrow," Mike said kissing my temple.

"Ew. Stop kissing in public. You offend a lot of people like that," I heard a girl say. I turn around to see a Anna. I rolled my eyes and went back to eating.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" She went up to me. She barley lifted her hand and Mike was already standing.

"Go away. Now." She suddenly looked hurt.


"Stop calling me that! I really do not like you Anna! Just get the fuck out of my sight and leave Chester alone!"

She turned and left, her lips quivering as she stormed away. I looked up at Mike. His face was flushed, he almost looked scary.

He sighed and sat down. "Won't she just quit by now..." he sighed, putting his face in his hands.


I got afraid during lunch. I totally forgot about Mike's anger issues. Maybe Chester really had changed him for the best.

I just really hope he doesn't snap around Chester. He'll hurt him, badly.


"Hey! Woah man! I was just kidding!"

Mike was backing Mark into the wall. We were in eighth grade at the time, after Mike told us he was gay.

"Say that again to my face!"

Mark smirked, "Fine. Go suck Rob's cock. I'm sure you'd both enjoy it."

That did it for Mike and he pushed him against the wall. Mark's back collided with the wall and Mike went straight at him.

I tried pulling him off of Mark, but I got hit in the face. Mark's nose was bleeding and one of his eyes was beginning to bruise. His lip was split open and he pretty much looked like he was gonna give out.

I shook my head. I hope and pray Mike doesn't get out of hand. If he does, Chester is in big danger. I pulled out my phone and texted Rob.

'Need to keep Anna away. We don't need Mike to attack anyone this time.'

Rob's reply was simple.

'Got it'

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