Chapter 6

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I couldn't believe it.

This is where he went. I thought he did it for sure, when I couldn't find him. I knew this kid was different.

After I got farther away, I turned, hoping he wouldn't see me. I kept my distance. I followed him out of the park and into the rainy streets. I had to make sure he didn't do it.

I followed him until he reached a house, possibly his.

I couldn't stop walking by that house. I walked by hoping I would see him, making sure he was still alive.

"Hi, how can I help you?" A boy, maybe in middle school, answered the door one day.

"Is uh, your 'brother' home?" I only assumed it was his brother. They looked like each other.

I swear the kid had tears in his eyes when I said that.

"Um, no sorry, there's no one else here." And then he shut the door. I heard arguing from the inside moments after.

I remember how scared and hurt I felt. I had walked away from the house thinking he had done it for sure.

It was depressing. I thought there was no one else that knew what it was like to feel completely alone with nobody that understands you. I wanted a friend who understood that.

I sat against the tree with my eyes closed. Drops of rain hit my face, numbing my skin. I felt somewhat alive just sitting here, forgetting everything. I didn't know whether to kill myself or not. I just gave up and accepted anything life flung at me.

I heard sobbing. I turned and saw someone walking slowly on the trail. I put my hoodie on and pressed myself against the tree, hoping he wouldn't see me.

He sat on the other side of the tree, still sobbing. It hurt just to hear him weep. I peeked around the trunk to see what he was doing. He sat there for a while, looking ahead blankly. Then I saw the gun. My instincts came to me.


I jumped up, my heart racing when I saw the weapon.

I had literally saved that kid's life.

Mike, his name was Mike. I didn't recognize him when I walked into Ms.Kenji's class. Not until I really looked at him, and his eyes.

"Don't look," I whispered, holding his head so he would see me. He dint need to focus on me, not now.

I knew it was him. I knew it was the same boy I saved at the park.

"Don't do things you'll regret later on." I turned to look at him. He turned towards me and stared right into my eyes.

Don't remember my face, I thought. Just focus on yourself, focus on being happy...

I don't know why I thought that. Maybe to make sure he didn't come looking for me later on.

But now I really wish he can remember.

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