Chapter 32

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It felt like I couldn't breathe. Chester was...

I couldn't watch this. I ran out if there and away from the school. My mom was working so no questions had to be asked if I burst into the house crying.

Once I arrived to my house, I was out of breath and sobbing. My chest burned from the non stop running, I was light headed and weak. I locked myself in my room, and cried out loudly.

I threw my backpack at the wall and cried out again, my voice pained and agonized. I threw my pillows at the wall and continued to yell.

How could he? I thought he loved me. I felt my legs give out. I fell to the floor and just cried. My phone buzzed,

'Mikey where r u?'

I ignored the text. He doesn't deserve me. Not after this.


"Fuck," I muttered noticing coach wasn't there. Luckily the locker room was unlocked. I had left some of my practice gear in there and I needed to get it before the guys left without me.

As soon as I walked in, I stopped. There was whispering.

"Again?" A voice giggled. Another, slightly deeper voice replied, "Of course, your the most fun I've ever had."

I recognized that voice as Jessie's.

I gulped and listened some more. "Getting Shinoda back is awesome isn't it. He's always getting the attention."

"Tell me about it. I really hate him. Now get back in that stall so I can suck you dry. Maybe Shinoda will comeback and hear."

"Yeah, I don't think Mike came in this morning to see us. By the way, I love the flames," Jessie snickered.

"Haha, thanks. They're a little annoying though. Kinda ugly. I want them off. The girl that did them worked on them too fast."

Flames. Was it Chester? I hope it wasn't. I walked further into the locker room. I did see the two guys already in the stall. Jessie's moans were making me feel sick.

So they want to be noticed huh? I dropped my backpack and looked at the stall. I saw 'Chester's' hand dropped by his side, grabbing at Jessie's legs. Sure enough, there were flames.

I sighed and put my face in my hands. Why would he do this. I took one last look before leaving, but something caught my eye.

The flames were purple. And they didn't have orange around the wrists, they had red. They looked like they were poorly drawn. Now I know what's going on.

I went up to the stall and knocked loudly. "Jessie, you can come out now and stop trying to fool everyone."

I heard some cussing and scrambling. Jessie and this junior, Evan, came out of the stall.

"Well. I know this certainly isn't Chester. And his flames are blue, not purple."

Evan put his hands up, defending himself, "Hey man, I didn't want to do this to hurt anyone. She just offered me cash too."

I crossed my arms, "What's your excuse Jessie."

"Two people told me to do it. They said they'll give me a money and then they showed me this kid. I just couldn't pass the offer." He smirked at Evan, who gave him a seductive smile.

"Who told you?" I asked, pretty much knowing the answer.

"Anna? I don't know her name."

Anna. I shook my head, "Okay, well Chester and Mike have had enough of this. And by the way, Anna never keeps promises."

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