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"Didn't know who she is thought she was some random person who just walked into this house" he states.

"Did she asked for me?"

"Yea and we told her where you were," the other says

"And was she coming for me?"

"Yea and that's when I grabbed her.

"Step outside and wait for me," he tells them and they do as told.

I looked at him and he looks back at me.

"Wanna explain what's going on?" I asked

" Some people who's wanting to harm the sons are going after our family making things personal. They are finding any and everyone linked to the sons. So I came with the two prospects to gather some of your things as well as mine and take you to the clubhouse where you will be in lockdown with the other families." he explains.

"How long will this lockdown last?"

"It depends on the situation. It could range from a week to more."

"What all am I to expect?"

"Fights, gun shots, nosy people, croweaters, pornstars, public view of sex, a whole lot of fighting and drama."

I sighed and nodded my head.

"Since I lost mom and my aunt your the only person linked to me that they could harm just to get to me and the club. I won't allow anyone to hurt you and get away with it so I need you to come with me to the clubhouse and stay in lockdown."

I nodded my head

"Alright Happy I'll go."

We headed upstairs and grabbed some clothes and other important items before stuffing them in suitcases and duffle bags before we left.

His secret life (new story ) (completed. not edited)Where stories live. Discover now