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It's been a full week of me kicking pornstar ass, putting croweaters in their place. and yet they don't get the message to not mess with me and not tempt anything with Happy.

"Papi I'm giving a fair warning cause I'm tired of fighting. the next time one of these prostahookers tries me or attempts sexual shit with you I'm cutting a whore." I tell him as we sit outside on the picnic table.

"did you say prosahookers?" Tig asked,

"that's what they are isn't it?" I replied

"yea," he says

"Ok then. that's their new label." I tell him

he and some of the others laugh.

"I'm gonna use that," Tig says

"have at it," I tell him 

"you have to be careful with what you do to them" Happy says

I tilted my head and looked at him.

"now you and I both know I can do them harm and not touch them or leave evidence."

"damn Happy where did you find your female version of yourself?" Opie asked

"Washington" Happy says

the rest smiled while I just straightened my head and glared when two prostahookers came over.

"prostahooks alert," Juice says

"sadly," I say

"Hi Happy why don't you dump this psycho bitch and come be with real women."

I busted out laughing so hard I snorted.

"they think they are a real woman. fucking hilarious." I say before I stood up and went to walk around the table but Happy blocked me.

"let's get something straight here prostajohns. I am all the woman this Killer needs. If he wants crazy I can go crazy, he wants sweet I've got a lot of sweetness. hell, I've got multiple personalities and all he has to do is pick what he wants and he'll have in through me AND ONLY ME. not shemale." I say

"We aren't prostajohns" they claim

"But your shemale?" I asked

"no we have a twat unlike you," one says

"you probably couldn't spell twat if you're life depended on it you prostahooker. and for the damn record, I have a perfectly good Vag that my man loves to pleasure none stop." 

They stood there like bumps on a log as if they were actually thinking of how to spell the word Twat.

"need a clue on how to spell it?" I asked

"No we know we were thinking of comebacks." the other said

"it takes you twenty minutes to think of a comeback. wow must have air upstairs instead of a brain."

"yea well you're old," one says

"Oh, you wound me greatly with that brutal come back, you damn doorknob."

"a what?" the other says

"get the fuck out of here you two airheads," I say

they scuff and walked off while I was about to sit beside Happy when Ima and Lylay decided to come up and try me.

"come play with us Happy" Ima says

"Yea leave the white trash, and be with a real woman," Lylay says

"yea Happy go be with women that when you fuck them you fall in and the only thing left of you is the string of your boots since you feel in they huge gapping vags," I say

"I rather not" Happy says

"We don't have gaping gashes," Ima says

"no just overused" I replied

"at least we get sex unlike you"

"you have to be paid in order for someone to screw the two of you where I can get it when & where I want. no money needed." 

"not true we can screw anyone here that we want Happy included."

"I dare you flat chested bimbo fuck weasels to try to screw Happy," I tell them as I looked them.

"we will just wait and see" they say before walking off.

"Juice can you do me a big favor please?" I asked looking at him.


"a need you to go get me two things of eyedrops," I say

"for?" Happy asked

"my fun experiment that no one will want to miss" I replied

Juice leaves to get what I asked.

I smirk just thinking of what I'm gonna do to four women who don't understand my warnings.


A/n: me using Shemale isn't slandering anyone in any way it's just a story so don't make comments about it claiming such.

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