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I went and got checked out by a doctor and they told me to rest and take it easy for a while and that nothing was wrong or potential risk of hurting my baby. that I don't have to have my ribs wrapped just make sure I take things slow so they'd heal which would be roughly two to three weeks.

Happy and made sure that I am not doing too much or trying to overwork my healing body. When he was home and I was bustling about he'd scoop me up carefully and take me back to bed or he'd usher be right back to bed and tell me that I need to fully heal and that I need to keep my ass in bed so that there be no more damage or possible serious damage done to me.

So for the past week, week in a half I've been laying here in bed reading, watching toons, and just relaxing while doing a bit of work while Hapyp's been running himself ragged.

I've tried getting him to slow down. but It's no use he's worse than the energizing bunny that's none stop.

When I did manage to get him to slow down it's with a blow job, sex, or just plain cuddling as we talk about our little one that's growing like a beautiful flower.

reaching the two week mark of bed rest I was wanting to pull my hair out. I needed to be moving about and doing things. not sit on my ass.

I called and spoke with the doctor who suggested I stay in bed for possible three weeks and asked him what'd he think that my progress was now that I've reach the two week mark. 

"I'm not to sure until you come in for acheck up then we'd go from there." was his reply 

so thats what I did, I got cleaned up,got dressed and headed to the hospital and seen the doctor who told me about being on bed rest.

Once he examined me and everything he told me that once this week was through I'd be able to go back to what I was doing. that i'd be fully healed.

SO I thanked him and headed home where a very upset happy was waiting.

"where the hell were you?" he asked once he opened the front door just as I walked up to it.

"I went to get a check up to see how my progress was since I needed to do something before I went stir crazy," I replied

He sighed and followed me through the house and up to our room where I stripped to my bra and panties before I climbed back in bed and curled up under the covers.

"well, what did they say?" Happy asked

"He said that by the end of this week I'd bee healed and could go back to how I was and did things before" I replied

 "you scared me when I came home and didn't see you. I thought that someone kidnapped you again. or worse you lost our baby" he confessed as he stripped and joined me in bed.

"I am sorry for scaring you and making you think I was taken again or I miscarried. I just had to know how much longer I was to stay in bed and do nothing while you all but run yourself dry with doing everything not only for me but for the club as well."

He pulled me close and rolled me over so my back was to him as he pulled me up against his chest and rubbed my stomach.

"I'm just glad nothing bad had happened to either of you two," he says

"yea me too" I replied and I laid my hand on top of his and cuddled more into his hold.

His secret life (new story ) (completed. not edited)Where stories live. Discover now