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A few days after I ribbed Tara and the shitty smell from the four trashy girls was rid off. Things for the lockdown went back to how they were.

"Hey Zaylee you mind coming with me to grab more groceries?" Gemma asked

"no not at all just let me tell Happy where we are going while you grab a prospect or two." I tell her

 she nods her head and goes to do just that.

"Hey baby Gemma and I along with two prospects are going grocery shopping," I tell Happy when I walked up to him

"alright you girls be careful and if you want anything you know where my stash is," he says

"Happy I don't need your money I've told you I'm perfectly capable of spending my own that I make," I tell him before I give him a quick kiss.

"Now you boys be good and try not to slaughter too many people while I'm gone," I tell him and the others

"no promises" Jax replied

I smiled and looked at Happy.

"Love you," I tell him

"love you too," he says 

I smiled as he kissed me before I went and grabbed some of my money then walked to Gemmas SUV and climbed in while the prospects were on their bikes.

We arrived at the grocery store and loaded up two in half buggies full of so much grub it could feed a small army.

"you sure this is for our guys and not a small army?" I asked

Gemma laughed

"they eat like one so could be for one." she replied

I laughed as we headed to check out and purchased the items we needed. after loading up the car we looked and seen the prospects were gone so we got in the car and locked the doors.

"Listen to me and listen good. we could possibly get attacked so I need you prepared" Gemma says

"Oh Hunny I'm born ready for attacks." I tell her

 She reverses the car outta the parking lot and we act as if we are heading back to the lot when we catch notice of a car following us so we got to loose them when they start opening fire.

"wheres you gun?" I asked

"center consel" she says

I opened it up rolled down the window  and slid out and open fire right back at the car behind us. I hit the driver and the gasket making the car swirve and go over the cliff. before I slip back inside and reload the gun before I sit back on the window sill and open fire once again making that care go over the cliff like I had the other.

 watching both cars blow up was a sight. 

I slipped back in rolled the window up and put the gun safety on.

"Now we can head back to the lot" I tell her

She nods her head and drives off there.

upon arrival the guys rush the car seaign the bullet holes.

"what the fuck happened?" Clay asked

Gemma starts to explain what occurred while at the store.

"once we was getting fired at I asked Gemma for her gun,when she told me where it was I grabbed it rolled the window down and slipped out sitting on the seal and opened firing hitting the driver and gasket of the first car making it go over the cliff and explode. then I reloaded and opened fire on the second car making them do like the first by going over the cliff and exploding.  when I put the gun safety back on and the gun away. I told Gemma we could come back here. so here we are both safe and unwounded" I finished

I grabbed some bags and started carrying them in while some of the others grabbed the rest and followed.

"are you crazy?" he asked

I looked at him like Duh.

" you could've both been killed," Jax asked

"Yes, I am crazy. as for us being killed, I did what I had to protect us which you are very welcome." I replied

"why am I very welcome?" he asked

"I saved your mother's life. not that she wouldn't do the same for me." I replied

 Gemma and I started unloading the food that wasn't damaged before we put them up and tossed the damaged shot one.

"Are you ok baby?" Happy asked

"I'm perfectly fine. I enjoyed the whole explosion that I witnessed watching the people who were gonna kill me and Gemma get their quick revenge with my aid." I replied

He smiled and left with me leading me to our room we've been occupying and he fully checked me over before making slow hot love to me making me scream and cry for more.

His secret life (new story ) (completed. not edited)Where stories live. Discover now