Chapter 2 - Meeting

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(Y/n)'s POV:

It was morning and it was time to head out. I sighed as I walked out of my room with my navy-blue bag in hand. I was wearing the same marine uniform I always wore, which was the marine jacket that had the word justice on it. For some reason, we never put our arms through the jacket and just let it flow.

Meeting up with Claus in the hallways, we strolled together as we headed out. We stepped into the ship we were going on with other marines, as they were going to take us there. They all greeted Claus, but they ignored me, as I was the black sheep ago the white. Was the lance that much of a change?

Once all the greetings were done, Claus smiled at me. "Why so down?"

I glanced at him and shook my head. "That's not it. I'm just not really excited for this assignment and not excited to meet other marines that will bad mouth me because of my weapon and attitude."

Claus nodded. "But I'm sure that Smokey will not allow that."

"Smokey?" I raised a brow. "You mean Smoker?"

"Yeah. It's a nickname I came with him a while back." Claus replied with a grin. "I have more, though he doesn't like any of them when I asked him to choose one. Therefore, I chose one myself. Which, I chose was the nickname Smokey."

"I see."

Claus looked up at the sky. "When do you think we will reach there?"

I shrugged. "Don't know. Maybe in a few hours. You can always ask others on the ship."

"Right." Claus answered as he smiled.

Though it was a smile, I noticed that it seemed to have a darker meaning to it. There was just a glint in his eyes. Shaking off the thought, I just relaxed for the rest of the trip.

Smoker's POV:

I was walking out of the office with Tashigi by my side. It was time to greet Claus and (Y/n), though I didn't want to. There was cold sweat running down my forehead as I made my way to the entrance of the base.

"Smoker-san, is there something wrong?" Tashigi asked with a concerned expression. "I have never seen you like this. Is there something bothering you?"

I sighed, knowing it was going to be revealed sooner or later. "I know Claus."

"Oh, really!?" Exclaimed the navy-haired woman. "If that's the case, what's wrong? Aren't you excited to see him again?"

"He... He's trouble." I stated with a tired voice.

"Trouble? It can't be as hard as controlling the people of G5."

I shook my head. "It's way harder. He would torment me and pull pranks. Knowing him, he wouldn't change."

There was silence from the swordswoman, which caused me to glance over to her, only to see her with an amused expression plastered over her face.


"It seems you're worrying over something trivial, Smoker-san." Answered the woman with the glasses. "We have faced pirates and encountered the Strawhats multiple times, along with controlling the people of G5, I'm sure that you can handle this Claus person."

Rolling my eyes, I saw the marine ship heading over to the base. It was only one, though it was the normal battleship. We stopped the conversation we were having and stood in front with our 'ready for business' faces on.

When two people got down from the ship, the marines who were with them immediately left them. They said they quiet goodbyes to the man, but not the woman, which raised brows from me and my partner. Looking at each other, we could tell that the woman, who I was guessing to be (Y/n), seemed to be excluded in the marines.

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